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Dog - Sorry I was side tracked and missed your question !

Hey sometimes when U looking for one thing U find other stuff !-- I was trying a high CBD variety for pain !--Sse.s like it helped so I took a couple nugs in the oven and decarbed it !-- It was like finding a new friend !--I'll be growing some of this !--2 --OO gel caps and I'm lit up !--I smoked it and it wasn't that impressive but caps --WOW !
Dog --Put that stuff in the attic or something !--U got weed to grow !--I had some big a-s-s --CFLs I gave to the Gloman !--Smoked some of my Widow he grew under them !--Better than what I was doing !--Ain't nothing wrong with the Widow !--After D.D. saw what we could do she helped make room for a bigger grow !
Hey Rose !--How U feeling ? -- I got stoned and got on my soap box again !--I'm sorry !-- Weather seems to be closing today !--Overcast and 49 !-- D.D. off tonight cause she worked Wednesday! --
I am feeling a little over whelmed by doctor visits and i must be getting better because i am really ticked at the ER doc that missed it and by doing that delayed my treatment by almost a month.. Called to report him...

I go get a carotid artery ultra sound now. I am reading about the pros and cons of cannabis on stroke.
That is very cute Hippie, What is that?

I am glad ya would miss me. I hope i am not going anywhere, just want my arm fixed.. and it gets worse when i smoke. Thoughts?
Wow --attach a lighter to a spring loaded lanyard thing then attach it to your bong !--Never lose your lighter again !--Told U he was brilliant !--Old Stoners figure stuff out !-- Hippie ain't no novice !--He obviously has lost a couple lighters too !--Tie it to the pipe !--So simple !--Problem solved !
Cheaper and better to run a T5 for veg imho YD.
i don't know about the cheaper part as i'm in about 35.00 on the bulbs and pushing 220 watts around 15,440 lumens and they are t5's as well. the 6 bulb units i found were 150.00 or more. the 6 bulb unit is 144 watts and 12000 lumen. i do not disagree the bulbs are better i just needed more. sides it was what i already had.
I meant it is cheaper to run in the long run... I want you to do what ever works for you.
Rose --Quit worrying about something out of your control !-- That just adds to your stress which U supposed to avoid !--Don't get caught in that catch 22 trap !--The more U worry the higher your stress level !--U got to find a happy place !---I could distract U some stories that would make U laugh so hard you'll pee your pants but they might have involved illegal activity so may I shouldn't !-- That Tai --Chi Cane does is excellent for physical rehab and aims to teach U to reduce your stress level !-- Took me a couple years for my left arm to work right !--U feel like U have a FIM grip on a glass or something and it just falls out of your grip !-- Sucks !----It may not always work right but that's a lot better than not being able to use it at all !-----It takes time go easy on yourself !
Rose --Your Purple Haze broke the ground today and Hippie's Dawg did too !-- One of each just poking they head up !--I got a couple books be here tomorrow! --Thought it was about time I learn to grow weed !-One is Ed Rosenthal's latest and another one about extractions --They both cover polyploids! -- Anyway , always excited when new seed pop up !--This evening will be then end of day three since they went in the dirt !--

That tells me what I needed to know Hippie ! -- I know the strength of this stuff to use but there are 2 different times for how long to soak the seed !--I think between these 2 books I'll find my answer !--I think I'm ready !
Those purple haze are bigger seeds huh. You should see the size of the stamens on that girl.HUGE.. (huge, i sound like trump.
I'm excited ! We put 6 in the ground probably all be popping tommorrow !-- I know I'm strange but when when I buy or plant new seed --I just need one fine young lady from each !-- I'm glad to see Dog and Giggy trying to put together a constant grow !-- U got something that is clone only --U can't stop growing till next year !--
Hey where's Kraven and Nes ?--
Hey Rose --THC and CBDs help protect the sheath that cover nerves like the insulation on wires !-- I'm living proof that weed helps prevent brain damage !-- When U get a head injury the tissue has no place to swell !-- This can cause permanent brain damage !---Weed will help !--Anyone who disagrees can kiss my Lilly white -*** !-- I was there I know !--Assisted with many Carotid Artery operations to remove plac from artery walls so it does not reduce blood flow to the brain or break off and cause a stroke !
Im high as hell on a cocktail of GDP and PE watching a cartoon called Uncle Grandpa. Werdiest freaking cartoon i ever seen. A Tiger that shoots rainbows out it ***, a piece of Pizza,,a purple dinosaur, ,AND of course Uncle Grandpa,,,whom i believe is gay. :rofl: funny as hell,,,love it.
I think Uncle Grandpa is a relative from ARKANSAS. LOL
Wow --attach a lighter to a spring loaded lanyard thing then attach it to your bong !--Never lose your lighter again !--Told U he was brilliant !--Old Stoners figure stuff out !-- Hippie ain't no novice !--He obviously has lost a couple lighters too !--Tie it to the pipe !--So simple !--Problem solved !
Yep. Got it attached to the headboard of the bed. Never have to look for it, just reach backward and grab. She's got about two feet of travel on the yo-yo.
Rose there's always a risk !--What U got to decide -- Is not doing it --if they find a problem --more harmful than not doing it !--It's a straight forward operation --A stint ( piece of tubing ) is inserted into the carotid artery below the potential blockage and into the carotid above the blockage !--The a clamp is placed so that the blood flows thru the stint around the problem area and back into the carotid artery above the problem Area!--With the artery clamped and blood flowing around the problem area the artery can be split open and the plack removed !-- Artery rinsed sewed back up and clamps , stint removed and blood flows to the brain thru the artery again !--Then time for everyone to leave so the Scrub Tech could go in the back room under the big fan and burn one !
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