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Nes doesn't drive ! -- She's probable cut off by the flood !--Too late to leave and people may not be able to get to her !-- Where's she gonna get this beer or bottled water !--Two things I learned in the army that are important to me are the ability to make fire and make water clean enough to keep U alive ! Every thing else might depend on those skills ! Right Kraven !
Good Morning OFC. Almost at 6 weeks and the plants look ready. Microscope shows they have a little more to go, but they are early. Smells are intoxicating. Calyx is swelling to double their size
Morning All.....Nes, Be safe... Get you some bottled water....

Rose, good luck with the Neurologist....
.Are those moths the little white guys we get in summer??
Now that's a cool cat Kraven:)
Had to wade through 3 pages to catch up. Cane, I am envious of your Papaya! Very nice. Like the mere cat Kraven. And, Rose, you cracked me up-- trying to light your mouse! Too funny! I'm sending positive vibes your way Rose! Had a busy night, but no worries now-- pretty comfortable, if you know what I mean.
Had an a McBreakfast on top some McCaps !--Gonna be a good day !-- Sunny and warm at the beach !-- Got D.D. lit up and she be nodding in minute !--When she get up tell her she better order that stuff for Keef !

Cane U like spending time shaping your Bonzai trees!--That is definitely a SCROG farmer trait !--Hippie say the SCROG will even tell U when to flip ! -I ever have to have a large number of cuts regularly , I use a SCROG mother !
Yes Keef, I can get lost working on my Bonsai trees....I see where this is going to come in handy down the road... I am finally keeping these girls happy, figured out they are just a hungry plant ...I been feeding tea or Poop every other watering...And the two larger ones still look hungry??
I been dropping a lot of seed lately --I'll 4-5 seed of each variety --Looking for a good healthy girl to clone --When we planted the last group there were 4 varieties with half dozen seed each !-- 24 seed looking for 4 plants ! --Started some more 2 days ago -Still might get a CWO !-- I know U CA 't see it yet but there is method to my madness !
Hey Rose U got clone only stuff that they gonna regulate right out of, like Harley --I collect girls for my harem !--Before U let one go send me a cut !--Who knows U may want it back one day !---I don't have to grow a big plants to keep the line alive !-- I want a cut or some seed from Kraven one day too ! --Like maybe some Grape, or Hippie Slayer ! --Mane I can keep a dozen varieties in 2 sq. feet !---When it's they turn --the chosen are grown out chopped into clones --Replace the little cut and send the group thru the cycle!
I told D.D. to make me take my time and take no shortcuts on this Tetra Project --I'm itching to get started !
I will not be destroying viable males and and might have a little more knowledge available to me than they had when they made U.B.C Chemo !--

I may not be a genetic engineer but I'm bout to genetically modify the hell out -Hippie's Dawg ! --It'll bike taking a good fast car and jacking it up with nitrous --big blowers--running methanol and other go fast tricks!--It'll still be the same car but different !
Just back from town, picked up couple Dungeness Crab for dinner, big suckers..Just shy 5Lbs ea, How about a Puff?? :48:
Weed loves U back Cane !-- I think I'll have some coffee and try to find the bottom of this pipe !--Sounds like a plan ?
What U Hopper ?
Keef I will Join you with a cup of chai tea... can we keep filling the pipe?:)
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