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Wasn't the first time my mouth got me kicked out of some place and it wasn't the last !--Why I do that ?--Freedom of speech --My foot !--Sure U can say whatever U want but there will be consequences! --I hate consequences!
Took longer to drive there that the appointment took, and it's only three miles away. The state even dropped the price! It used to be $65 and five canned goods to the doctor and $100 to the state. Now, it's only $60 to the state unless you have patients, then they hit you for an extra $25.
It's like I told my buddy; If you get popped with a joint or paraphernalia, it's gonna cost you more than $125 in bail alone, not to mention the lawyer's fees and fines and possible jail time.
Back in my jammies, watching Springer and toking on the one hitter. Life is good!
Hey, anybody remember what Yoop's GTH was? Was it GTH#9? I've put 16 of 'em in rock wool, along with 6 Killing Fields, 4 Gorilla Glue#4, and 6 Jack Herer.

Yoop's wife took a dive again and screwed up her bionic knee. Looks like she'll be clocking in more hospital time. Send her some love, please. She's a great lady.
Sending love and healing wishes to mrs yooper. This getting old is not easy. Thank goodness for pot.
I missed it this morning Hippie --U went to get a mmj card ?-- I been thinking about what if the law changed and I had to get a card !--I'm not sure I want one in my real name but a 125 $ for a get out of jail card ? --I'm in ! -- Gonna keep my grow hidden anyway ! --Like I said before --This ain't over till it's legal as lettuce !--
They say a 4 or 6 plant limit ? -- Sure that's all I'll grow !--Not ! I won't even limit it to that many varieties!
What they want to tell me how many squashes or tomatoes I can grow next ! --- Make me pay me pay for the right to smoke weed ? --I don't like it !--I don't have that right or a mmj card now-- but I'm pretty it up !
I gotta find his e-mail addy and wish her well! --I used to got check on him over there but since I got my new phone it wouldn't let me sign in !--Yoop's my friend and U hate to see a friend hurt !---Best Wishes Yoop !--I hope she gets better fast !
What up Giggy ? --
Hey Hippie U dropping seed --Let me look around --I might have a few more of those Killing Fields seed there weren't many !-- Any see if we can find a bigger selection to choose from !---I'm moving a rooted clone of all my girls to Happy Frog !--As a back up and so if one gets the urge to travel it'll be easier !--Right now I have my White Widow ,the Tranquil Elephantizer and a breeding pair of Umbra's BPU-x-B.B --I just call it Umbra's Blueberry Blast! --The blue berry smell comes on strong the last few weeks of bloom !--She smokes nice too even before a cure and stuff!--Got 3 nice Gorilla Glue #4 to sex but there should be a girl--Got 6 Papaya --pretty sure I'll get me a lady !--Same with Bubblicious! ---3-4 --Aurora Indica and Pure Power Plant out of Nirvana seed !---Right now I'm germing --Hippie's Dawg -- Rose's Purple Haze --Umbra's Clock Work Orange and some of Umbra's Blueberry Blast crossed on my T.E. !-- I will become proficient at shipping clones shod anyone fancy something I got !--I'll have more room once the babies are sexed!--

My chemical should be here within a couple weeks and the day after that I'll have treated seed in a germination Chamber looking for a tetraploid survivor ! --I'll be doing this treatment many times with these Hippie's Dawg seed !---Lots of a hundred seed at a time until I find that fine line between death and polyploid --Then I treat bigger lots !-- I'm not a gambling man but I like my odds !
Yeah, Hopper, never ask a woman when her baby's due unless you're sure she's pregnant. We are really stoned tonight & it takes some killer weed to get US here! I was in the grow room & freaked out cause my lights went out in my Bloom room; I thought it was around noon & knew the lights went out around 6. Of course, I am a night nurse & I get a little disoriented sometimes. But, I am stoned. Keep forgetting what I'm doing! Really good weed.

DD that was a shot at guys with Beer Bellies, ,,,if ya notice i said "MR Smith"..lol
Good Morning OFC. I see the search for the frankenplant continues. I decided to pop a couple of beans too. Sonic Boom...very pineapple
Hippie let me tell U what could happen!---Of course I'm doing this treatment to get an immaculate mother but a male tetra (4n) ?--I would breed him back to the orginal Hippie's Dawg (2n)---The seed from that breeding would be triploid (3n) They will grow a plant but it will be sterile !--Anyway I grow out a mess of triploid seed ---I use this stuff on those seed --The survivors will be 6n --Always looking for girls but a 6n male is the prize !--U breed him to any normal (2n) plant an the offspring are tetras (4n)--Big Pharm want a feminzed sterile commercial plant that they can plant by the acre ? ---That 6n Hippie's Dawg male is the key to that !--If I bred that 6n male to any tetra and feminize , the offspring will be true sensimillia! --Like seedless watermelons --There nothing in nature that can fertilize them --No seed !--Ever !--
Bought a couple cfl's for the clones. Got four 6,500k at 1,060 lumens each. I know clones don't need much, should I run all four? I figured to start at two and adjust from there.
I'm high as hell too Hopper ! A man needs a dream ! ---No one loses everytime !---Not even me !
Only one problem with the so called seedless watermelons. Every one I ever had had seeds in it. Don't make no difference to me, I'm either spitting out underdeveloped, small seeds or the fat seeds. Same amount of work. And the seeded always taste better to me.
What up Dog ? I wish I had a couple good clones in Happy Frog dirt I'd hook U up ! --It won't be long !
Umbra --It think one or 2 of those CWO seed would have germed if the shell wasn't so dam hard !--It put these 3 in my empty toilet paper tube scarifier and shook them around in that sand paper tube till I was tired !-- Maybe they germ !-- Pineapple? --I never had no pineapple weed before !
Dog seedless watermelons are 3n ! --3n weed make deformed seed too !-- Big Pharm want something they can grow in huge fields --All girls NO seed !-- They want that because seed oil in extract ruins or at least makes it nasty !-- They will want a crop they can process with the least amount of labor !--Feminized 5n is that beast !-- This could be done to any strain !---
Caps be kicking my a-s-s!
Umbra from what I can find is that if U do this right U could get 3-4 survivors --I use even lower odds !---One via plant out of a thousand seed !-- I got about a cup of seed to work with !-- Thousands !-- So if the odds are one out of a thousand ? --- Numbers say Keef finds something !--Hippie had 4-5 (?) Females out there with that Chem Dawg boy ---He sent me seed from one !---I show him something --He might send me another sack of seed from another mother !-- Same odds all over again except I get better each time !!---Yep !-- I like those odds ! --but I save males to breed more tetras ! I'm like a coon dog --Once I cut trail on these tetras --They ain't getting away !--I'm after a Frankenplant that can break 40 % THC then extract it !
Bought a couple cfl's for the clones. Got four 6,500k at 1,060 lumens each. I know clones don't need much, should I run all four? I figured to start at two and adjust from there.
i'm running 2 13 watters in my clone box (freezer part of a fridge/freezer) and can keep the temps good. if i use 23 watters then the temp wants to run up a bit. my veg box (the fridge) has 4 55 watters and seems to be doing ok. i hope to have my clones in the flower box in another week,
Thanks giggy. I bought 23 watt bulbs. So maybe even just one or two bulbs will be OK.
I need to make a clone area. Still need to finish up the new veg closet. Problem is, this room was the catch all room. Now that I need it, I throw away, sell and organize to make more room. Three days later it looks the same. I think my junk is breeding.
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