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Man times have changed,use to be by this time on thirsty Thursday, I would be bellied up to a bar, Not sippin Chai & smokin a bowl.... Lovin it...
Weed loves U back Cane !-- I think I'll have some coffee and try to find the bottom of this pipe !--Sounds like a plan ?
What U Hopper ?
Don't ask me what happened !--I'm stoned !-- Think I'll refill my pipe !
Cane --Crab ? --That sounds like a sci-fi crab !-- I'm down with seafood !

I hear D.D. rustling around !--Here's the plan !---Get her high --Put on some blues --She has to cook Creole ! Got a bag of shrimp some frozen stuffed crab --We can work with this !--Been wanting to smoke a brisket or some ribs --Maybe tomorrow!
Took a nap after work, woke up sick as a dog. I think this is going to be a rough ride.
Oh no Yarddog, feel better. Drink a lot of fluids so you don't get dehydrated.

I have been with doctors all day... glad to be home with my pipe.

Keef, how dinner happens.
Hi everyone else.
Yo Dog --What did U say about dirty water this morning ? --Hope that's not it!--

I think Nes may have a bigger problem than she thinks !--I'm pretty sure she uses well water !--If in this flood the flood water topped her well head run off from the yard with all them big dogs would contaminate her water source !
Hey Rose how U feeling ?-- Supper ? --still in the --first get her high phase !

Hippie --What should I do with these 2 Skunk #1 seed ?
What up Giggy !--I was gonna get high and realized I already was !--What's a couple more tokes!--This is about 48 hours since I put those seed in the dirt !--I'll let U know about those Trips -x- T.E. seed if they old enough to germ it's gonna be a beast !----T.E. mom with Umbra's Blueberry Blast dad !-- Both mom and dad grow well inside and it should be a potent heavy producer !

I'm setting aside some of these Hippie's Dawg seed for the O.F.C. --Got U covered Giggy - Dog- Cane -Nes ? I keep some in case anyone else has an interest !
Sure enough, I'm down for some the Hippie's Gear, Dawg sounds interesting... Might have to build me a pot pen this year...And do a patch of O.F.C. Seeds...:woohoo:
:hitchair::hitchair::hitchair::hitchair::hitchair:I don't know why people say hurtful things like, "Want to go for a run?" Or "Try this kale."
I'm down for the dawg! I have two bubblicious sprouts today. Makes me happy.
Now jus got to get a nice girl, and I'll fire that cloner up.
I feel better now, it was the steak my job fed me today.
Mrs Dog been staying at hospital with her aunt at night. House gets quite
evening keef and cane. i seem to be on the loosing end on outdoors anymore. i say it every year i'm not gonna grow outdoors and end up eating my words. keef that sounds good bro, and i have one bb x bpu from umbra's bunch and it is doing well. i had one gdp x br but it died. one day i'll get to try some grand daddy. evening dd and dog, yall slipped in on me.
Or how bout "whens the baby due" Mr. Smith,,,your carring the weight well. :rofl:
Hi guys, giggy, i will smoke with ya.

We had shrimp salads with roquefort dressing..yum

My home work from my doc is to listen to music, play video games, and be social and talk with friends. and anything that stimulates the brain.. so there ya go.

DD, you are funny. Glad your better YD.. Wh, hey!
Yeah, Hopper, never ask a woman when her baby's due unless you're sure she's pregnant. We are really stoned tonight & it takes some killer weed to get US here! I was in the grow room & freaked out cause my lights went out in my Bloom room; I thought it was around noon & knew the lights went out around 6. Of course, I am a night nurse & I get a little disoriented sometimes. But, I am stoned. Keep forgetting what I'm doing! Really good weed.
I get them seed out soon as I can !-- I keep up posted groups of a dozen each O.K.?-- I'm just gonna kill almost all of them anyway !-- Hippie posted what they were but I thought Hippie's Dawg was better than alphabet soup !--He can tell U what they are !--I know one is Chem 91 --Dawg !

Giggy I gave up on outside and am very happy growing inside !-- We been doing this a couple years 24/7/365 !--I asked D.D. how many grows does that equal ? -- I just say at least 2 !
Well, hello Rose! I feel your pain; hate doctor day! Put your jammies on & have a toke or two to kick off some of that RSO. Let weed take you away! Calgon never seemed to work!
Just back from town, picked up couple Dungeness Crab for dinner, big suckers..Just shy 5Lbs ea, How about a Puff?? :48:

Just what did you do with that crab? I'm fairly new to Dungeness, but really like it. It's very different from the big blue crabs we get here, which I love.
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