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I don't know what Hippie gonna do but I need to testify !---He grow World Class weed ya'll !--Can't tell U how I know but U can take that to the bank !--
Thanks for the mojo, Cane. Keef, you might want to stick those seeds in the refrigerator for a few days. They've never been though a chill cycle. Bet they'll sprout anyhow.
Thanks for the compliment, too!

Gonna feel great to have my morning visits with my leafy buddies again. I miss an indoor winter grow. I think the GG#4 will be the pot pen grow and the GTH will be the first SCROG. I'll keep one for a mother and do a run of the killing fields next. Got to figure out where to work that Blue Mountain Jamaican in, too. Sure wish I could get a handle on that Red Root Kali that was going around forty years ago. Out of a hundred seeds, you'd find at least a dozen that were twice normal size. Made for some nice looking plants. Had one that had 17 leaf clusters. No lie!
Hippie,Nice that you are thinking about your outdoor grow already...I don't know what I will run....Might need to go back east stay with Mom & Pop both 92 still at home still gitin around... brother stays with them..But need to give him a break..He's a big race fan so summer is a good time.
Kinda gets damp around here specially in the fall, looking for some of that "Hollands Hope" Heard that it is really mold resistant... Will see!! Just feels good to have something growin:)
Morning ofc. Let's start this day right, little wake and bake. More rain here today. Wish we could save a few showers till summer time.
Had a bubblicious sprout during the night.
Morning Grassman and OFC, It rain, so, much that my well house is under water, making my house water look grey. I boil my water for ten min.'s. Now, I am drinking coffee. Hope, I do not get sick. tj is still in FL. I got to call some one to dig my a water way, so, the water will go down. Light are off in my grow room, as, soon as the light come on, I will measure my plants to see how height they are. Time to wake and bake.
Nes, when the ground gets soaked in water like we have now, my water turns reddish from Clay silt. Just a little dirt is all. Lol
yarddog, or, anyone do you think, I will get sick drinking my well water dark in color after boiling water? What are you smoking. I just got my Auto Lemon Haze. Time to lit a bowl. Will you join me.:48:
morning ofc, another day to be had. i just hope this one is better then yesterday. yall have a great day.

cane bozzo swears the hollands hope is a great plant to grow. says it is mold resistant, but my problem is bud rot, which may start as mold. i know i don't see no mold and the next day i'll have rot.
Good morning Nes, no, i wouldn't drink the water at all. Do you have any boiled? Is there animal waste that could be in the ground? go get some bottled. You sure don't need this with your husband gone for so long. Good luck... sorry you have to go thru this.

Giggy, it is those damn moths that do that. I need to find a way to not have those this year...
Big day today, neurologist this morning early.. pt this morning and lunch with the stoner x nuns. ha
Have a good day each of you.
Morning O.F.C. !-- I feel so ashamed !--Stayed lit up bad all day yesterday ? --Wanna do it again ?
Nes, I would say it should be fine. What happens is the ground water, which is nothing but an underground river, gets saturated and the water gets more dirt and stuff in it.
You said your pump house was/is under water?? If that is the case, it is possible surface water drained down into the well. If that's the case, then no I wouldn't drink it. No telling what my have been in the flood water on the surface.
Hey Hippie these Clock Work Orange seed and other tetra seed apparently are almost twice the size of normal seed ! It may be superstition but I usually keep my seed in the fridge !
Rose good luck at the doctors visit !--I got no reason but I feel like U gonna be O.K. ! We be thinking about U
Till U can get clean drinking water --Filter it thru a coffee filter clean rags whatever U got --Let it sit and settle for a hour or more --gently pour the water into another container trying not to stir that settled water up --leave some in the bottom of the original -
container !- Boil the water U poured off for at least 3 minutes !-- It should be O.K. to drink !--This is army training stuff for until U can get clean water ! Clean water is essential to life ! Don't get sick from drinking bad water !
Kraven, that was cute, the kitty back there.

Thanks Keef, i think i will be ok too, just nervous about the whole thing.. So glad i had been working out for 16 months.. at least i was strong when it happened. I got good peeps around me, i will be fine.. just don't want it to happen again.

Good morning WH, Hippie, yd!
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