Help!! When To Water Transplants??

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I have 12 plants that i transplanted and watered two nights ago when should i be thinking about watering them again... i've tilled the surface soil a bit, about 2 inches, to mix around perlite and everything and it seems like its moist not too dry but not wet by any means... they were grown from seed and are not clones just FYI... just wilting a little bit either from overwater at transplant or just transplant stress... i have hormex and superthrive and root stimulators and nutrient boosters i justy dont know when to water them or what to give them
hey bro, after a transplant or re-pot, i will water real good just after repotting, then you wait until the soil dries really good, depending how big your plants are they should need to be watered again in 3-6 days.. thats the way i do it... i like to let the top of my soil get dry, before water and feeding.. but a good health plant will need water2-4 days....
its important to let the soil dry between waterings. how long between them depends on the size pots there in. if you use the nutes make sure its a week solution since there still young. the wilting could be cause its dry to JMO
i am only using 5'' pots right now so they would prob. dry out pretty quickly under my 400w MH 1 1/2' away... the soil still seems moist after i turned over the top 2 inches so ill let it go another day i guess... anyone else is welcome to comment tho cuase maybe i should give them a little i havent water since transplant which was 6:00PM on Friday...
i think the wilted ones are more from overwatering at transplant if that makes any sense... the biggest ones arent really wilted they just look a little tired but when i transplanted i just used straight H2O i didnt use anything to combat trans. shock which i have but i dont know if i should give it anything
just let them recover before you give any nutes, they should be alright in a few days... did the transplant go ok???? no brokeing roots are anything?????
no i didnt even touch the roots... i made sure all the small white feeder roots were touching the new medium... they look ok ive just never seen transplant shock so i dont know what to be looking for they just look tired... hope they spring back... they are still working on the second full set of serate leaves and are about 3'' tall i burried em pretty good cuz they stretched a tiny bit... maybe not its my first grow so i think im buggin myself out too much
you sound right on watering tomorrow... and when you do, give it some superthrive, and that's it... then start up on yer nutes again the next watering... that's what I'd do. how's airflow around the girls?
i have a small oscilating fan inside there along with another air purifier blowing on the plants and a stand up fan blowing fresh air in from outside the closet
it stays right around 78 with the light on and when they are out it is 65 - 68 ive never seen it drop below 64 or go above 80 tho so i should be ok i think
u sound fine... just transplant shock... they'll recover.

and actually... how big did u say everything was?... pot and seedling?
the seedlings are about 3 inches tall and they are working on the set of leaves with three blades in 9 5'' pots... one pot holds 4 plants that werent doing as well as the other 8... the room is about 8sq ft... and im running a 400W M forH bulb with the 400W lumatek digi ballast now (HPS for flowering) and its about 1 1/2 ft from the tops of the leaves...
i think that would be the second set of "true" or serrate leaves but it looks like they have one main blade and two smaller ones off to the side... sorry guys its my first grow
back that hps off to about 3' for now and see if that helps, too
i have an MH set up right now for vegging i have the HPS for flowering... should i still back it off or no??
ya... back it off for now... you have a lights out period, right?... so the babies can have a rest?
they will prob look better tomorrow... just make sure the dirt dries out pretty good... the pot should be pretty light compared to known wet ones....

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