Growing From Seed

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Mikey, the first good wind will prolly break them in will not hurt them to plant them deeper - it will keep the wind from killing them...all your stems are stretched way too thin to survive...
Goldie said:
Mikey, the first good wind will prolly break them in will not hurt them to plant them deeper - it will keep the wind from killing them...all your stems are stretched way too thin to survive...
i did bury them deeper and the winds here are not that bad its really just a slight breeze
an otter trampled 10 plants im trying to save them but it looks like 4 are gonna die
An otter! Where did you plant them at - on the beach? :(
no where i live there is a stream in the woods and there are otters and beavers and muskrats so i set up a live trap for them to keep them away from my plants and whatever was in there was big because it bent the one side of the cage out and trampled some of my plants
Cool wildlife! But bad for a growspot. Set some food out for them on the other side - maybe they`ll eat that and leave your grow alone. Give `em a can of corn or two. I am glad you are not trying to kill them - thanks for that. :)
i love animals i would never try to kill them just trying to keep them from killing my plants
its a good grow spot limited visibilty tons of sunlight but the otters are horrible
No bushes or other ground cover there? Planting them at the base of a bush may slow the animal traffic down. :(
Teir is a product on the market called "Scoot". Not sure where you'd find it in your neck of the woods, but I know it's hard to find, as it's really only meant for pot.

You spray it on once a month, and it keeps ALL animals away from your plants. It's safe to drink, and therefore, safe to smoke also. You just rinse off your plant real good before you cut it. I know where I can get some if you can't find it.
NTC, how much is that stuff? I live in critter heaven - lol ;)
I think it's like $25 or so. Not too expensive. I gotta go to the store ealry this week, so if you want some, let me know!! They don't always have it, but it is outdoor season, so chances are good. If not, they can usualy order it.
Thanks, but I`m dirt poor - literally. :eek: :rolleyes: ;)

Check the name, and later I will see what I can find similar, though. Maybe.
well this is almost week 3 my plants are well i lost a few of them but hell 4 plants is too much to take care of right now anyway. these are a few pictures of four of them the round leaves that are on the oplant when it first sprouts up are turning yellow is that normal because the last couple years that i have been growing my plants havent done that is it normal? vby the way my plants are a good 5 inches now

Picture 001.jpg

Picture 002.jpg

Picture 003.jpg

Picture 004.jpg

Picture 005.jpg

Picture 006.jpg

Picture 007.jpg

Picture 008.jpg

Picture 009.jpg

Picture 010.jpg
Goldie said:
NTC, how much is that stuff? I live in critter heaven - lol ;)
hey goldie i feel your pain between bugs eating laeves and animals walking all over my plants its horrible. NTC i could use sopme of that stuff ive never heard of it before. well my newest pics of 3 weeks are above. oh yea tell me if the yellow bottom leaves are normal
Thanks, Mikey. I hate the thought of planting my veggies outdoors because of those nasty little bugs...

I believe it is normal for the first leaves to yellow and die.
Human hair(ask the beauty shop or barber), dog ****(can I say that?) ;), hot pepper spray(Jalepeno's or Habenero's pureed in a blender, strain, dillute by 50%, spray it on), any predator scent(coyote, bobcat, or Cougar urine or feces), deoderant soaps(Irish Spring slivered around the area, or hung in a sock nearby)...tha's all that came to mind at the moment, but I'm sure that I've used others.
hey mikey might be a good idea to stick some sticks in and tie em to the stems to give em some 3 weeks old?...cant really tell clearly from the pics but it looks like they're just starting their second set of leaves?...u have any idea wat strain they are? check out one of my plants below at 2 weeks old
3 weeks old? ......they should be 3 feet tall! In one of the pics, it looks like the stem is red. If that's so, you have a PH problem. Those plants are way too small for that age.

The first set of leaves always dies off, and turns yellow. Don't worry about that. But you got some other problem. Those things should be huge by now!!
I cant help but laugh at this thread.
Mikey, those seedlings look like theyve just been left to their own devices in a room with an incandescent light.

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