Thank You Mojave and UK, I dont know bout setting standards High, but that NorthernLights should make you High from just smelling it.
The branch I took that had the bud rot on it, I dried and it is smokeable. We partook of it last evening, and I am here to tell you it is the Best Marijauna I have ever grown to date. I love the taste, and the High. I am wondering now, that the bud shown on this page will even be better, as it was taken a few days later. For the first time, I think I have truely grown "Medical Grade" Marijauna! I thot the Grandaddy was close, very close, but this NL is unreal! I think it could compare to anything I have purchased at the Resource Center in Arcata. Their pot is the standard I set my standards by.
We take the second Grandaddy Purple today. The top kola is featured in the BPOM this month. It is time to wind down this grow. I will be hanging the Grandaddy instead of putting it on screens, as I have very little room left on my screens.
Again, thanks for comming by folks. Pics of todays efforts comming up later today or tomorrow.