Goldilocks Grow

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geesh here i been thinkin u all both up in the hills in CA :confused2: lol
i was curious as to why ya was so concerned bout wether etc and ya sat's finishin in time .. :)

im in the up midwest n its botu same temps as ya was describin only been hotter than heck durrin days the last week n cold at nite.
time to break out the long underware :rofl:

wats your temps like TC?
This morning I had 56f here. This is way way unusual. I had 101f yesterday. These temps are way off.....we are looking at a taste of rain next tuesday tho. Zip, frost will pretty much finish my grow, and "Average" first frost is September 31 here. I can get my girls thru a light frost, of a day or so, but a hard frost will shut me down. I had my BB and Flo start flower about two weeks later than they should have. They are the ones that I am worried about. They will be going into October and staying outside. Come to think of it........unless I take a POG next week, all will be going into October to harvest.

A friend from this area, who grows a bunch medically took all his last weekend. I love the way he plasitc trash bag full of soil, pops in a clone, feeds them twice in their whole lives and they get like 12 feet tall, huge plants. Chops them all at once, invites the family over and they trim for the weekend then hangs. He dosent even look at trichs. A Buyer from a despensary comes up and takes it all off his hands. tcbud shakes head and shrugs shoulders.

I moved the first Afgoo harvested to bags yesterday. Some are ready for the "cure" in jars. It sure got darker purple as it dried.
Thanks for comming by guys and gals. I threw a couple pics down here for your enjoyment. I took the camera out as it was getting dark last evening.....:D

9 25 BB at 50.JPG

9 25 Flo clone.JPG

9 25 GDP flash.JPG
Beautiful looking buds tc...I want in on the stir fry too....I hve teeth though so I like my carrots a lil on the under cooked and crunchy side...:)
"Average" first frost is September 31 here. I can get my girls thru a light frost, of a day or so, but a hard frost will shut me

:confused2: September has 31 days?...What ever ya smokin tc pass it my way.:laugh:

Having plants that look as good as yours would have me all confused too. Looking sweet TC
Yes another fantastic grow tc...well done my friend :yay:

duck...i think cuzz shes dont frost there:confused: But she is smokeing some chit she should be shareing huh?

stir fry? im in..Like Hampster I have all my teeth too..and like the veggies crunchy!!!!

take care and be safe:bolt::bong:
4u, you are wrong about the frost. Northern Cal. in the mountains has real winter with snowstorms, blocked roads and everything. TC will tell you. I camped there in the winter and regretted it, lol
couldnt you just throw a huge sheet of some poly over ya whole cage if threatened wit a possible frost too soon THERE tc?
KINDA TARP IT UP LIKE A GREEN HOUSE OR SOMETHIN :confused2: i would think that it might be worth the hassle if it were I. but i guess im not sure how bad ya frosts get there so....
hope the frost holds off for ya tc.
Thanks guys and gals, got some real nice pics tonight, will be posting in the morning.
Good night all.
Zip, I get snowed in here sometimes. Got a heck of a hill comming up my road. We walk in if We absolutely have to. I even own snow boots and snow tires! But, thank goodness it only snows enough to piss you off then it is back to rain and cold.
Everyone is invited to stir fry,

Cut up....
ten baby carrots, sliced long ways
eight stalks of Asparagus, cut inch size
ten green beans or snow peas, cut inch size or peas in half
half an onion cut in inch squares
put aside,
1 breast chicken, cut thin, bite size pieces
1t hosin sauce
1t seshwan hot sauce, for stir fry
1T soy sauce, low salt is good
mix above chicken and sauces in bowl

Heat fry pan or wok with T light olive oil, T seseme oil. Heat on almost high.
Add chicken that has sat in sauce for five min. or as long as it took you to do the vedgies.

Fry to taste Adding the carrots first, with chicken if you like the carrots softer. Then add the Asparagus and beans. Then the Onion last, as it is nice crunchy a bit.

Get some of those chinese noodles in the orange package...or...some ramen that you have cooked and drained and gotten cold.
Stir this up quick and Bone Appotite, means eat.

This is enough for two.

I am high, or I would never have written the above post.
And I never did check the last day of September. How bout I say, first frost last day of September......dang that was hard.
Put some water in with the vedgies and stir a bunch.
stir fry is one my fav dishes TC. im so on my way LOL but i dont think you have enuff for even me from the description of ya ingredients. hahaha
2. BlueBerry Clone
3. NorthernLights
4. POG p2
5. Showcase Flo, this bud we have been following through out this grow.
6. GDP p2:D
1. Afgoo p3, the only one left standing, also the largest. moved due to editing

"Sugar Sugar, Honey Honey, You are my Flower Girls!" Singing to them now....:rolleyes:

9 26 bb clone p2.JPG

9 26 NL p1.JPG

9 26 POG P2.JPG

9 26 Showcase Flo.JPG

a9 25 GDP.JPG

9 26 Afgoo p3.JPG
just Lovely...You really impress me girl...sure wish we had smell ovision..cuzz that looks mouth watering...thanks for the stir fry..steps..ill have to make for Ukgirl and I..enjoy the rest of Harvest

I think I have to grow an Afgoo or 3 next year. They are so pretty and grow like mango with huge, fatty buds. Good work, TC
:yeahthat: that afgoo is sure a beutiful plant TC. is she a stinker too? :hubba: lol
BIU that Afgoo tc :bong2:
zipflip said:
:yeahthat: that afgoo is sure a beutiful plant TC. is she a stinker too? :hubba: lol

Thank you Zip, she/they were stinkers yes. With only that one left in the garden, the cooler is pulling in less "stink". Now the house smells like Dead Afgoo!:eek:

I agree on the smellyvision 4u, wouldnt it be wonderful at a site like this?

Benny, they are fatty buds, but not really hard like the others out there. The top, say 3 inches are really hard tho. I have found, from three years experience with "revedging", that revedged bud is not near as compact and hard. It is good smoke tho, just good, not "great". We will see how much better that last lone Afgoo does as it gets a little older every day.

Thanks Duck, dont mind if I do. Did take a taste of POG last night, and will hit on that in a few days.:D Want to meet and have a good BIU session on September 31? , we could trade seeds and talk about football.....maybe cuss too....:rofl:

The below pic was a possible October BPOM entry, I have a different pic now, just thot I would share it with you all. It is Flo, if I remember correctly, taken a few days ago.

9 25 BB pos bpom.JPG
I am in for a sept. 31 meet. I will bring some mango and Lil Bertha to trade with you guys. lol. I don't think 4u is busy that day. Maybe he will drop by?
And 4u can bring UKgirl.... Sounds fun. BIU the day away my chores done now. Do have a little trimming to get done tho....I can still BIU....trim BIU, trip, trim, BIU.....
Thank you Zip, she/they were stinkers yes. With only that one left in the garden, the cooler is pulling in less "stink". Now the house smells like Dead Afgoo!
well then that counts me out on ever tryin afgoo in my room. i try to keep the smell on the dl here. i limit one strain i got i just keepin takin clones from clones i keep her to a minimal of 1 in the latter 4 weeks of flower at a tim cuz dang does she stank BAD but she tastes so good an does me jus right too.
the hashberry i got literally has no aroma resemblin mj watsoever imo. she literally smells fruity in the room an everythin. only when i rub her a bit she tends to leave that hashy smell on ya fingers only.
i am so glad i revegged her an mommed her up. i couldnt have chose a better strain for my liking. perfect buzz smell taste everythin imo.
but gosh i sure do love the way that afgoo looks tho.

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