Gods Advocate's First Grow WW seeds

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Gods Advocate

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Okay. So this is my first attempt at growing... well anything for that matter. I have 10 WW seeds and 5 free miscelaneous seeds. I will be updating this with every little change. My set up is very minimal. I actually have NOTHING. I will be collecting product as I need it.

My next step is to germinate of course. I will be using the paper towl with warm water method. Here is the very beginning pictures.... Let me know any suggestions or anything that you may have along the way. I will definitely be posting questions as I go!! Thanks guys.

Inside grow. I plan on buying just regular florescent indoor lights. About three 65watt per 4 plants. I think this will work for veg... any ideas? My goal is to keep the cost down as little as possible. Kinda what some of you guys were doing by using reusable resources and what not.
Haha, im anxious to get started. Ive been reading this for the past two weeks, just lurking. Learned quite a bit, and im one of those people that has a hard time making deicisions. Haha, so i figure, by the time the steps are ready to be taken, ill be forced into making them by my plants!

haha, thanks! any comments on rubbermaid growing? I think im going tomorrow to get that setup and start putting it together! I think it will turn out amazing!
ohh WW been very intrested to grow some of her myself! Good luck, look forward to checking out your grow
Ok. So heres the progress as of today. Seeds are still in germination. As of right now its been exactly 24 hours since they were put in the paper towels. Doesnt look like any action. I think ill wet the paper towel again tonight with warm water. My temp/humid tester that i have in there reads 85degrees F and 90% humidity. is this ideal for germination? I know everyone says high humidity and that seems pretty high. All ive done is put the seeds in paper towels sandwiched into two plates. If the seeds germ i think ill be pretty happy.

Picture 1 - flourescent bulbs 150 watts warm lighting, the 100 watts are cold lighting. I have more cold than warm. I dont plan on using all of them as for my sq footage to reach 5K lumens a sq foot, ill only need half of them.

Picture 2 - bulbs again, diff angle

Picture 3 & 4 - My veg box. Not complete yet. Is lacking the mylar on the side, and the 1/4" plywood bottom to set the plants securely on. And the 1/2" ply wood that I will mount the lights too. AS WELL as my two fans that I have yet to mount to the box.

But, so far, we're moving a long nicely. In the last picture you will notice the products that I plan on using in the veg pots. Does anyone suggest NOT using the guano or other products for veg? It seems like most of you do....





I like what i see so far! you may need a bigger room than a tupperware container for 15 veg'n plants though.

how will you remove the heat? circulate air? control temp? raise and lower light?

your accumulating the right stuff......be patient and start when you have your box finished. it only takes 36 hours +- to germ!

i'm not a soil grower but i think you want to trasplant as FEW times as possible, so get larger pots than small so your roots don't get growth inhibited.

start with only a few of your seeds and raise em right. then clone your female and have a never ending supply

good start man
allgrownup said:
I like what i see so far! you may need a bigger room than a tupperware container for 15 veg'n plants though.

how will you remove the heat? circulate air? control temp? raise and lower light?

Yea, i figure ill get rid of the weak ones, and the males. But for right now I want a larger yield than just one plant.

Heat, I think will be able to be removed my the computer fans? If that doesnt work ill be prepared to install bigger circulating fans. I dont think it will be too bad. Temp ill control from the fans and where i put the veg box. Tomorrow morning ill be doing the lights, i plan on having a plywood plank thats secured to the tupperware lid that can be raised and lowered as the plants grow. By tomorrow night I should have plants in the ground and growing! Ill have it all finished tomorrow night.
Check out the pics!!! I just checked the seeds (and added some water, getting a tad dry), 24 hours later, and we have germination!!! About two MM's long on the biggest one!! Im excited!!! All i want to do is see some little green leaves! Once i get to that point, ill have all the patience i need! LETS SEE SOME LEAVES!!

haha, well heres the pics. again, temp and humid, stays are 90% and 80 degrees, still what do you all think about that for germination? Obviously its working but can i change either of those variables and have 100% germination(just incase i dont already)




I do have a question though, what will i do to get the humidity up? I saw someone putting a cup of water in front of the fan, is this feasible in my set up? If not, what method will i have to use? Also, I have one question, ive noticed that there isnt too much info about when you first plant the germinated seeds in the soil. How often do I water those? Keep the soil moist like most seeds? And is it okay to use tap water? Is it okay to use distilled water?
Progress so far...

7 plants are in soil. they had 1/2" long roots coming out of the seeds. THEY ARE GROWING LIKE CRAZY..Germination wise. I mean, in twelve hours that little bit went from 2mm's to 1/2" no joke.

Im having temp problems. I think my fans are too small. They are just regular computer fans, but are running at a full 12v. I was thinking about 'overclocking' them and boosting them up to 16v or so to try and improve the efficiency. Notice picture one and two of the fans. One is lower, s-uc-kng air in, higher one is s-uc-king it out.

If you look at picture three you can see the little jiffy pots and all of those dang cfl's. And the next picture, is taken through the fan, kinda cool actually. The temperature there is now reading 93 however and staying steady. I think that will be too hot, and im kinda worried right now that it will dry out of soil.

Also, the status on germination --

7 WW seeds VERY WELL GERMINATED, 1/2 inch before planted.
2 WW seeds germinating kind of slowly
1 WW still waiting to see. im sure it will go!
1 MISC seed - MIA.... dropped it in the dang bathroom somewhere
4 MISC seeds - NOTHING!!!! im thinking of dropping them in water to see how that germination method works... What do you guys suggest for hard to germinate seeds?

Thanks guys in advance!




Havent updated in a few days. THERE IS LOTS TO UPDATE!!!

Over the past few days I've had a huge problem controlling temperature and humidity. HUGE PROBLEM. Ive had to shut all but three of the lights off and i was then lucky to get it to stay at 86 degrees with 30% humidity. So as you can see, the first picture, I modified the humidifier to blow straight into the intake fan. THIS KEEPS A STABLE 80% TEMP and 50% humidity. PH is at 7. AND THEY ARE GROWING LIKE WEEDS!! Check out picture number two. Is this an ok humidity level?

Take a look at number 3 picture. There you have all the babies together. Not all, actually waiting on some to germinate yet. For the last half of the seeds i popped em in a cup of water! They are germinating more slowly than the paper towell method, but what the heck!

I do have a shriveled little guy but hes coming out of it quite quickly. Ill be posting pictures in an hour or so when i get up and moving around!!

GUYS!! Still have a few questions I would love to have your input on. They are above!!!

Thanks guys.






Everything looks nice but you are NEVER supposed to show pics of stealth packaging:(. You never know who else is reading this:cop: and it could put future orders in jeopardy.
LMAO, yea, yea, yea, thats just my DVD-R that goes into my camera.. kinda like a memory card ya know?

EVEN IF that was stealth packaging, it wouldn't matter because every web page ive looked at to order seeds off of says in detail how they ship their product.
Ok. So last post was about an hour ago with yesterdays pictures. Here is todays pictures.



Kinda give you something to follow. Everything is looking healthy. Im actually trying to keep the water moist by watering once in the morning and once at night. The light schedule is 24/0 with temperatures between 74-80 and humidity staying at 50% (wish it was higher!! IM EVEN USING A HUMIDIFIER!!)

I will be getting another fan tomorrow to blow across the stems in order to strengthen them!







Is my current light setup good for veg, and flowering? or just veg? If i wanted to flower with them how many more, and what different spectrum cfls would i have to use?

my current set up for lights is
4 150watt 2600 lumens each
6 100 watt 1300 lumens each.

Im currently using bat guano in the jiffy pots during veg, is this something i should reconsider?

Currently, my humidity is at 41% It ranges from 41 to 51 percent. Should it be higher during this veg phase? Lower? What about when I flower, do i want the humidity higher or lower?

My temperature stays between 74 and 86 F degrees. Whats the hottest i should ever let this box get? Whats the coolest I should ever let it get? Ive heard that higher temperatures actually allow for faster growing, is this true?

Right now, Im watering twice a day, morning and at night. I dont really call it water because I just moistin the soil. Is this good or bad? Is it healthier for the little babies if I let them dry out a bit?
You shouldnt have to water your plants more than once every two days, I usually go every 3 and they have been doing fine.
Gods Advocate said:
LMAO, yea, yea, yea, thats just my DVD-R that goes into my camera.. kinda like a memory card ya know?

EVEN IF that was stealth packaging, it wouldn't matter because every web page ive looked at to order seeds off of says in detail how they ship their product.
Lol:rolleyes:...whatever you say man. I was just giving you a heads up, I think it's a rule, before a mod noticed.
Gods Advocate said:
LMAO, yea, yea, yea, thats just my DVD-R that goes into my camera.. kinda like a memory card ya know?

EVEN IF that was stealth packaging, it wouldn't matter because every web page ive looked at to order seeds off of says in detail how they ship their product.

There is no discussion about this being allowed. No site I've ever seen explains exactly how they disguise the packages of seeds within their mailings. Showing address labels and packaging isn't allowed on this site regardless of your opinion.

I've edited the pictures to remove the ones that are not allowed here.


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