First timer. Can you guys please help(have pics)

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Oct 26, 2008
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Hi, everyone I'm doing Jack Herer and this is my 6th weeks into flowering. It was looking perfectly fine during the first 3 weeks of flowering. However, on the 4th weeks it started turning yellow so I thought I could take care of it but I tried everything it still does not work.
I asked help from friends they told me was the light too strong , or I over fed with nutes but I been just watering it for a week now and its getting worst. I had spider mites during the first 2 weeks of flowering but it been too cold and I killed most of them with neem oil, floramite. I checked my plants and I can't find anymore mites but that can be the problem causing my plants to turning yellow? I even tried feeding with pure drinking water for a week.

My current temp 70F during the day and 60 F at night, Humid at 50-65%
I been turning off the intake vent during dark hours because it gets too cold.

My P.h are at 6.3 - 6.5
I'm using 1000w HPS lights. my lights are 3 feet from the top.
Foxfarm soil
I used dynagrow liquid bloom once a week and water every other days or when the soils are dried.
10"in intake and 10" out

The last pic 2464 is the one that look ok? I don't understand why the others are not healthy as that one.

any suggestions or advice ? Thank you for reading. :)










i belive yellowing of the fan leaves during flowering is normal the plant is using all the energy up in them if i have understood the pros that have commented on this.But i am not syaing u dont have a problem a few of those leaves looked burnt to me just IMO.Sure one of the gurus will be by to help u out hope thye get better for u:)
Maybe a little epsom salt might help? Mag Deff or over watering. They dont look nute burned to me, although I did see a couple leves looked burned. Do they get air blown around them? Helps makem strong.;)
UKgirl420 said:
they will eventually fall off ,,,dont pull them off tho :p

u must of thought same thing i was going to ask him had he pulled them off lol;)
Hey man, you definately don't have a nute burn problem, I hope you still aren't feeding your girls peur water, they need their food!

Just so you know, those dead spots in pics 3 and 4 and whatnot are dead spots brought on from a nutrient deficiency. Now, if you saw those and you and your friend thought it was nute burn and you started holding off on nutes, the dead spots you saw would only get worse. I'm bettin this is what happened. Dead spots and tip burns are caused by deficiencies as well as nute burn, so if you see a dead leaf tip, dont assume nute burn, research it and ask around.
How often should I feed. I understand PH but i don't know what's the correct PPM should be at? is it important to have PPM meter?
You should generally feed every other watering, but not if you water every other day like you said. If you water every other day that is too much. Try watering at least only twice a week, even less would be better. If need be give them more water at each watering, but watering every other day wont give those roots the time the need to get their oxygen.
I would do the same I wouldent even feed any more. Its not going to make that much of a difference right now. I would save you nuts for your next cycle. A ppm meter would be a good idea for your next grow. They do help a ton with knowing what problems you maybe having, as the brown spots that you see.
Ok, thank you everyone for advice..i'll keep on reading and do research.. it just I'm very paranoid because is my first time, I don't want to waste time and effort( can't afford another 3 months =(. I'll post when I harvest and let you guys know it go.. =)
I've had Jack's for 4 grows now and they have all yellowed in the final weeks. In my experience with JH, they are very nute hungry, clone VERY well, and are tough as leather so to speak. This grow I only have 1 JH in the mix and it will sadly be my last.
Good choice for your first grow:farm:

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