Its very cool in the shed now. I have a fan blowing fresh air in there 24/7. I have learnt what not to do, what to stop doing, and what to keep doing. Say that ten times whit out stuffing up. This site has been a god send along with Marijuana...yeh baby. Im going to pic up a few bags of horseshit, I will let that brew in my compost heap for a while. I have actually found it quite calming getting my hands dirty, watching the results of my hard work. I have never been a gardener in my life, I dont even consider myself one now. In fact, I couldnt really careless about gardens, but in some strange way, I have found some piece in growing these few plants. Im now growing tomatoes, potatoes and herbs. I find that I kind of loose myself, its a good thing. I will stop waffling now.