So i found not one, but TWO boys hanging out with my girls today. :holysheep: Dont ask me how i missed them before, but they are now chopped. I finally have a number im comfortable with. 3x Satoris and a G13 Labs WW.
My thinking is that if i concentrate my energy into these four, and transplant them into bigger pots, i wont loose that much in yield from having 4 instead of 6. Im still gonna pull multi-OZ's from each of these girls. Wouldnt that be fantastic!
With 3 Satoris, im going to harvest each plant at different stages. Ill let one get mostly cloudy trics and harvest her, one ill let show a bit of amber and harvest her then, and then finally, if the season allows, i'll harvest one at mostly amber. The White Widow ill harvest at my normal time, when im at about half amber and half cloudy. Thats the plan anyway. I have a long way to go, and just about see the halfway mark in veg.
Thanks for stopping in everyone! :ciao: