well the first page was enough to not read the rest.
imo organics will produce as much bud, slightly better taste, less harsh.
any organics ive grown compared to my buddies stuff or st. weed, is never the same.
I grow killer veg in my garden using the same kinda stuff, I love the taste, its just more pleasant knowing your smoking clean. or eating green.
also a lot of growers do it for the $$ =huge steroid pumped buds. they don't care, its also very easy access to chems.
I do it for me, my patients & the love of the plant, its not a rush for me to grow, I enjoy every moment. ive been growing steady for 2.5 yrs and ive not had 1 bug issue, why? cause im clean!!! not a lazy stoner doing it for the $$. the last 6 months I have not sprayed anything (neem) and no bugs, I just did few weeks ago cause its summer, you never know.
don't panic, its organic!