Big-*** plant, getting cold, harvest problem, PICS!

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shes a big beutiful lady,i think she'll manage do some decent bud in the remaining time.good luck:D
If you harvest that plant in the next 3 weeks it will be a waste, you may get high off the product but nowhere near what it would do as a mature plant.
As long as security isn't a problem let it go, you'll be happy if you do...
Good luck with whatever you decide.
Stolen from something I was reading ...

One other thing to watch for is frost. Even a mild frost can damage plants so watching the weather closely in late September and throughout October is important. If your plants do get damaged by frost the erb is still harvestable so don't give up entirely if you fail to chop before the first frost. If by some freak chance there is a frost in early September and the buds are still very small you may want to allow the damage to occur and then let the buds finish maturing rather than harvesting a small quantity of premature buddage. This type of situation is an on the spot call and you must consider many factors, such as bud size, weather predictions for the following weeks, strain of weed, location of site, etc., before deciding. Indica varieties usually mature sooner than Sativa varieties, and the best time to harvest varieties acclimated to the Northeast is from late September to mid October. Those varieties not acclimated to the Northeast, such as Colombian or Jamaican, are best left to late October or even mid November if the weather permits. One other thing you want to avoid is harvesting in the rain. Moisture can lead to problems in the drying process such as molds and fungi. The dryer the plants at the harvest date the better.
Hey, I have a similar problem with some Skunk #1 clones i put outside. Im about 1200ft above sea level so it gets a little chilly. The plants are already turning a little purple and have a good month left to mature but now i know ,thanks to this post, that i can't really do anything but hope for the best. Good post Sap_boy hope it works out for you :)
Ever since I first posted this my buds have stopped growing! This sucks!
I gotta tell ya, Hippie, I've never seen a light frost damage plants, Ive harvested in 3 inches of snow before, ask anyone who's grown in New England, Canada, Alaska, anywhere cold any 99 of 100 will tell you a little frost won't hurt a thing.
Just keep a close eye on it, if the growing has stopped, kill it, if not, let it go....
Good luck, and happy smokes....
Anyway you could hook me up with a link to the info on frost you found? I'm very interested in reading this persons views on late season growing...

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