hey mojo .. your plants look fine for 2 weeks, to me , considering the problem at the start, they look great.. Im only guessing, but i think you waited around the right amount of time to drop your lights. The roots were having a hard go. Id wait until the roots have a good start in the trays before dropping the light to 12 inches, or whatever gives you best coverage. like guru said.
youre res is dark, and well lit. try keeping it shaded. when yo get youre chiller, keep in mind your res will condensate.
. If water temp gets above 70 plant growth will slow,(less oxegen) but worse yet pathogens and a host of other root eaters will thrive.. i hate to be a hydrogen pusher, but i really recomend using hydrogen peroxide. at least until you have a few crops under your belt. This will minimize warm water problems. you could increase youre res size to slow down temp, ph and food swings. you picked a tricky way to grow, Nft is hard, i worked at a hydroponics store for a few years and ive heared stuff about things. it is a great way to grow, im sure you will work out the bugs. and if you ever wanna change methods you can easily covert your system to a drip system, or even ebb and flow, you do however have it set up for (im my opinion) the best of the three. All sytems that you buy are just shells, drip and ebb and flow still need all the extra crap an nft does to really benefit from growing hydroponically. TAKE CARE