yup sir, 35% somtimes called food grade, this is diluted to about 1%, the instructions will help. I actually tasted my res to see if there was any left in the water. I think i settled on adding it twice a week. I dont know what leaching agents are, most peeps i talk with think they are chemicals with a high negative charge. (the major nurients NPK and some minor ones, have a positive charge, so introducing a negitive charge makes them stick together and become large enough to wash away easy.) A book i have says they are calcium peroxide. ClearX was the best seller at our store. but as they never list ingredients, it seems a toss of the dice.
Wetting agent is a pure detergent, a soap molecule, has a big meat hook at the end of its chain. this digs in to other molecules well, and breaks them up. Adding as little as one drop to youre res will lessen the surface tension of the water, making it harder for anything nastie to put its feet down. it also keeps the water flowing a bit better.
I have had the same bottle of Agri 2 weting agent for about 6 years. a little goes a long way. I only use 1 drop per 40 gal res. I recomend this crap. (cheap)
I feel like a ******* but here are my food recomendations:
generall hydro 3 part, not the best, but good enough, Resonable price,consistant quality.
DNF i had resonable results with this food, it is quite diluted you need to use alot of it, but you res is small and its weakness may be an advantage. dnf= dutch nurient formula
it is resonably priced to.
I achieved better results when i switched to liquid foods, from powdered ones.
i would not be surprised at all if they make it. and finally enter rapid growth,
TRy using a larger resivoir, and get a ppm pen, these type of mechanical/ technical improvements usually help more then miracle snake oils.
I have no hands on expeirience with an NFT system, but a simple ball valve just after the pump will alow you to adjust the flow, to a point were the roots get water but are not drowning in it. Stagnent water and high temp nurient solution/ root zone, are the usuall causes of rot. you may even want to consider a wet dry cycle, putting a timmer on the pump.
~ Hydroponic system are the perfect enviroment for many things to grow, soon im sure, you will have only want you want to grow growing. And finding the right food strength always takes time, dont get frustrated, just watch em and learn friend.
I have heard leaching products work, from many people, and from guys who really know their ****. but i have no expeirience w/ them. Take care.