send me a meatball grindaa to the tarheel, im good for it guy!!I'm from Philly, lol. Well South Jersey. Del Bruno bread and rolls rocks. None of that cheese whiz, that's Jim's Steaks on South Street.
use to get pizza in leomister ma back in early 2000's lot better than what we got back south!Pretty sure it's Santoros Pizza in Wareham ma, it was dark, I was hungry, I was dragging a new 16 foot boat trailer home, not many places to park it, think that was the place with the crazy cheesesteak.
Sound analogous to Thai iced tea which is sinfully delicious. Condensed milk?The only better iced coffee is from Donut Kitchen in Holden which is Vietnamese iced coffee which is like coffee cream candy but you will go into a diabetic coma if you have it too frequently...