It's always 420 somewhere
the seedlings
un sexed clones in aeroponic cloner
unsexed clones rooted
Advanced nutrients new oim organic lineup
part of my flowering room lots has been done since. More pics later
Green Mojo.
yes 13 foot wide x 18 long veg/mother plant room and the flower room is 13x20 has a breeding chamber capable of 6 small plants. drip irrigated from outside the chamber, filtered air intake and exhaust. its not fancy as Im not a pro carpenter. I'll post pics in a bit. its not finished yet it will be a month before I need it though. the pics will show the basic setup though.Beautiful grow. Love the space
whoops I'm baked enough that i forgot to say thank youBeautiful grow. Love the space
thanks I got number 7 pots and grow net trellis's. nervous bout using them as I not sure about pot spacing yet. suggestions would be greatThat’s one **** of a grow space, can’t wait to see you fill it out!
Yes can use natural gas it does require a different burner for natural gas. They look the same but setup for different pressure. It also requires a natural gas regulator. Most places that sell replacement burners would have both. I’ll be doing my tutorial this week after my auto shop closes due to the virus. I’ll be included propane and natural gas along with links to get cheapest parts as long as links are allowed it will include burner distances and manifold information so gas flows properly.I have an honest question here. Your setup is sweet and I love the honeymoon suite. Here's the uestion, Can you make that burner using natural gas? Just curious. I go a different way