The Original Old Farts Club

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Hey @SubmarineGirl

Bein' a sooper lazy old engineer who was always tasked with the cheapest fix possibobble, even though I am now retarded, I can definitely see a quick, cheap, easy fixeroo.

Get aluminum rain gutters. There are end pieces that go on easypeasy. Put the rain gutters under the pots, each one suspended with an artsy wire at a height that the flower pots are as deep in the gutters as necessary. Caulk the ends <-- tough job... mebbe 45-55 seconds each. Fill the gutters with water. Check every week or so and replenish the gutter.

It will be maintenance-free for decades.
View attachment 294095

Your Bill of Materials for the Enormous Hardware Emporium***

1. 20' aluminum gutter @$6/ft.
2. Eight end caps for gutters @$1.77
3. Wire -- be creative @$zerio

Darn... forgot to add the total (assuming you can't just find some scrap gutter or sumpin'). It goes like this: $134.16

***Many of my humor articles had me going there.
Walt, engineering wise I see where your fix would work except I think it would take away a bit of its simple charm or in other words maybe look a bit more redneck then it does now. I water every day and am just looking for a means to hold enough water in the plant till the next day. Gonna try some cotton in the holes to help it drain slower and the stuff I bought to add to the dirt and see how it goes. I’ll take a pic and see how it does come summer. Thanx for your engineering advice tho. I’m sue your idea would work and if painted black may not look half bad.
if painted black may not look half bad.
I meant get creative on the gutters themselves. They could be completely unrecognizable as gutters.

Sorta like this turned sideways, woven, with a dark background covering the actual gutter down its whole length --


OOH! Lookit whut I found (for concept) --


(*snork*) Just got back in since I put that up but din' get to post it. We saw 17 iguanas on my neighbor's lawn. All little (that's bad, BTW)

Anyway, I think I have one more easier-peasier thing to try than painting:

Taller, cylindrical flower pots <-- hold moar water.
Yep, I gotta haul my whole fan damily over to the opposite end of the county and stuff copious quantities of food down my gullet. Gonna try and pace myself, but some of the stuff is just too good to not take more than a bite or two.
You kids have a good'un. Don't open the door for strangers, and don't set the place on fire while I'm gone, mmmmk? :) fricken stuffed I can't move. Beer, snacks and two hours later dinner. I need a tums. Or more. I guess that is what holidays are for. Gonna take me a day to recover.


Mean while back at the homestead looks like a quiet night.....I need it. Not much on the tube as usual so will just chill.

Tomorrow I think I will fire up my sprinkler system and may go fishing at dusk if the weather is ok. In the mean time I am gonna load the pipe. fricken stuffed I can't move. Beer, snacks and two hours later dinner. I need a tums. Or more. I guess that is what holidays are for. Gonna take me a day to recover.


Mean while back at the homestead looks like a quiet night.....I need it. Not much on the tube as usual so will just chill.

Tomorrow I think I will fire up my sprinkler system and may go fishing at dusk if the weather is ok. In the mean time I am gonna load the pipe.
fat little bastard ! check out my new fishing partner...

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