The Original Old Farts Club

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If yer lookin' fer a hotdog Sned -- try the Captain of the Iwo Jima A/C carrier. He joked he was going to read The Cadet to the 3000 Marines aboard his ship. Currently on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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Me? The dregs of the fambly: I wuz just a sergeant.
Wouldnt want to bottom paint that bitche..
Which one is he?

Mine are most ricky-tick free range. Just so happens they like it at Chateau Sneakydicker.

To get them kayudeling [?] Just shout: "My eye! My eye!" in a high-pitched voice. My darling witch can really get them going.

Unfortunately, when somebody was putting my neck back together, my pharyngial nerve got cut. So my voice sounds like Sam Elliot. No tiptoe-ing thru the tulips.
I loved hearing them scream back every time. Don’t know if my neighbor liked it cause it was usually pretty early in the morning when I talked to them and they can make some noise as you know.
Haven't a fargin clue. Can't tell much from letters. The "W" is same as mine. He was a fighter jockey (ya gotta have been to become Captain of a carrier), and did purty good for hisself.

I guess gettin' on the JCS is purty much as high as you can go inna Navy. And Unca Ed got to the highest position inna Mahreens as Commandant. My Unca Irv wuz a combat P-51 pilot that captured about 800 Kraut Luftwaffe sojers <-- funny story.
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I bet Walt could write a Novel in a week about this picture
Unca's Great Adventures of the Wild
Saw this again, and to help Pute out with post count becuz some nice (assholes) keep posting on the wrong channel...

Historically, it takes me about a year and a half to write a novel on average.

Faerie Diamonds took nine months, just like a human baby.

The Bat and Balloon War took a year and a half, about the same as a whale.

The Cadet took well over two years, just like an elephant.

Using TBABW as a median:

When I am writing, the first thing I do is acquire genuine information... little things, like the overlook that was used by Navy families at Gatchell Point overlooking the harbor in San Diego. And the restaurant where you could cook your own steak.

And Big things, like the actual shelling of the oil tanks by the ultra-modern Japanese submarine (covered up, but recorded). The press release said the shelling damaged a baseball backstop.

And medium things, like the same sub shelled the lighthouse near Oregon (missed), but the bright wizards in charge ashore then turned OFF the lighthouse to flummox the Japs (which at that time seemed to be everywhere -- and untouched). This resulted in more than one ship sinking when it hit the rocks, BTW.

And the sekrit weapons storage facility in the mountains of Hawaii. Stuff like that.
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thanks SG and top of the morning to you and yours

sun is coming up , chickens are waking up ,feral cats are waiting on breakfast , I’ve got a garden to plow and fence to put up , lots of chores to keep me busy and out of trouble


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