The Original Old Farts Club

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I never knew there was a museum in Britain... and that Irv was mentioned in it!!

Far out! I've got the URL now.

Somewhere on this very computer, I have the only known photo taken of the Rovin' Rhoda... and I cannot find it. If/when I do... I will post it -- if only so that it does not leave this earth...
Dangit... I cannot find the dang pic.

I note the Brit museum has misspelled the plane's name. It is Rhoda, not Rhondah.

I also note they misspelled Irv's last name. That is how there are now a recorded 110 variants of our name. But I have the signature of the FIRST Sneakydicker to learn to write (prior to 1665).


So I know how to spell it.

Here is Irv's P-51 on takeoff. You can make out the "4 BOLTS" on the nose.

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Here is a hand-carved model of the Rovin' Rhoda. It was flown by Lt. Irv Snedeker -- he got his prop shot off at ten-feet of altitude at the Kraut-held Prague Aerodrome. He took the entire German Luftwaffe and sojers there prisoner. <-- TINS

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The nose on the other side has "4 BOLTS" on it. There were four buddies that all had that on that side of their P-51's...

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Was there a movie or part in a movie that talked of this I seem to remember that
P- 51 were the best fighters of all the ones out there whether axis or allies ..

Once the P-51's and P-38's started escorting the B-17's over Germany, the German's lost so many planes that they stopped trying to attack the bombers and hid their remaining planes for special occasions. It wasn't that they couldn't build new planes fast enough, they couldn't field enough pilots.

They switched to radar controlled antiaircraft guns instead.
Was there a movie or part in a movie that talked of this I seem to remember that
Crikey... First it was Weedie blowin' Your Humble Obdn't &tc away with my Family being in the Brit War Museum for Yankees, and now ROSTY tells me that Irv's adventure-cum "Family Record-Setting For Capturing Entire German Units Of Luftwaffe And Wehrmacht" got inna movies.

Did I ever tell youse guys about my 9-times grampa who, at age 21, escaped while kneeling (and hobbled) in front of his own soon-to-be-grave (the Brits were about to hang him) in downtown Manhattan Island?

Kewl story.
Once the P-51's and P-38's started escorting the B-17's over Germany, the German's lost so many planes that they stopped trying to attack the bombers and hid their remaining planes for special occasions. It wasn't that they couldn't build new planes fast enough, they couldn't field enough pilots.

They switched to radar controlled antiaircraft guns instead.
The history link to B-17 casualties points out that danger from the Luftwaffe was minimal compared to the deadly German flak.

Two items were mentioned:

1. Fighters had gun cameras. Therefore there are literally hours where one can observe B-17's being shot all to hell by Luftwaffe fighter plane attacks. But only a few rare seconds have been recorded for the result of the computer-controlled flak guns and their devastation.

2. Despite the movies -- ALL of them -- formations of B-17's did NOT fly straight and level as they approached the enemy. If they did, the flak would wipe them all from the sky. They flew for no more than a few seconds before making a gentle zig... a few more seconds for a zag. It was enough to reduce the effectiveness of the flak to just deadly as opposed to completely destructive.

It so happens I knew a guy named Peter Grell who served on a flak gun in Bremen. We were sitting in his back yard when an airliner flew over at about 5000 feet. He looked up and said, "Walt, if a bomber flew over so straight and leveI as that, I could put one in the cockpit from here with my Fliegerabwehrkanone 88."
OK -- You guys know I come from a military Family. So here is some fargin trivia I would bet my sister's hiney on that y'all never knew:

The deadly 88 Flak gun that took down those bombers... That actual cannon was so fargin kewl, that they put it on the Tiger 1 kampfwagen. <-- Same gun.

And of course, we all know that the Flak Kanone was used for ground fire. One of the things not shown too much (since we won) was the effectiveness of this pinnacle weapon. The Allies had absolutely nothing like it.

Count the white rings. One for each tank or airplane:

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The history link to B-17 casualties points out that danger from the Luftwaffe was minimal compared to the deadly German flak.

Two items were mentioned:

1. Fighters had gun cameras. Therefore there are literally hours where one can observe B-17's being shot all to **** by Luftwaffe fighter plane attacks. But only a few rare seconds have been recorded for the result of the computer-controlled flak guns and their devastation.

2. Despite the movies -- ALL of them -- formations of B-17's did NOT fly straight and level as they approached the enemy. If they did, the flak would wipe them all from the sky. They flew for no more than a few seconds before making a gentle zig... a few more seconds for a zag. It was enough to reduce the effectiveness of the flak to just deadly as opposed to completely destructive.

It so happens I knew a guy named Peter Grell who served on a flak gun in Bremen. We were sitting in his back yard when an airliner flew over at about 5000 feet. He looked up and said, "Walt, if a bomber flew over so straight and leveI as that, I could put one in the cockpit from here with my Fliegerabwehrkanone 88."

Depends on what part of the war of which we speak. The Luftwaffe was so effective prior to the P-38 and P-51 escorts, that the US invested in those two long range fighters. After they were introduced into the European Theater, not so much.

Because my father was a waist gunner on a B-17 and came home after 32 missions with a Distinguished Flying Cross with three Oak Leaf Clusters, an Air Metal, and a Bronze, Star unfit for overseas duty due to “Residuals From Operational Fatigue” (flak happy, currently referred to as PTSD), I did deep research on the 306th bomber squadron, including their now unclassified sortie record and diary and wrote the history for our family.

The 88’s were grouped together to a single radar fire control, and were so effective that we often lost so many B-17’s that we didn't have enough planes left to fly subsequent missions. Dad recounted instances where his own planes did barely make it back, but were scrapped for parts afterwards and they sometimes didn’t have enough operational planes left to fly missions, even stripping useable parts off the junked planes.

I have flak fragments that did hit him in his flak jacket without killing him and he lost a number of fellow crew members, including the waist gunner directly behind him, as well as the tail gunner.

Dad signed up for 24 missions, but was extended to 36 and signed up to fly in the lead plane that took the most serious damage, to limit it to 32.
My Old Man carried shrapnel in his face and body from an 88 'til the day he died. Had a chunk removed from his left shoulder the size of your thumb that he said saved his life.
He was in a company of 160 men that were going across the Rapido river in Italy the next morning. That night, the Germans lobbed a few 88 rounds into their area. A large chunk jacked through the foxhole he was in, the bulk of which wound up in his shoulder. A rifleman that can't lift his left arm is useless, so they sent him walking alone back to the rear to get aid. The next morning, 159 men crossed the river. 15 machine gun nests opened up on them. 12 men made it back.
Morning. Bad mania attack yesterday so I wasn't around much. I suffer from by polar syndrome. I rarely get attacks anymore but it kicked my arise yesterday. I refuse to take meds for this because of the side effects. It puts me in a terrible frame of mind and I am better off if I stay by myself until the depression passes. Better today.
Morning. Bad mania attack yesterday so I wasn't around much. I suffer from by polar syndrome. I rarely get attacks anymore but it kicked my arise yesterday. I refuse to take meds for this because of the side effects. It puts me in a terrible frame of mind and I am better off if I stay by myself until the depression passes. Better today.
Glad you feel Better Brother , I too get into my own mind at times
Succks Balls . There is rumor that my Dad suffered from Bi Polar too.
I prob do as well, no meds or docs either.
I have a hard time finishing projects to the very end 99% done and then I get it finished later .
Don't beat yourself up You do a Great Job
Morning. Bad mania attack yesterday so I wasn't around much. I suffer from by polar syndrome. I rarely get attacks anymore but it kicked my arise yesterday. I refuse to take meds for this because of the side effects. It puts me in a terrible frame of mind and I am better off if I stay by myself until the depression passes. Better today.
Nice that you're feeling better. Stay strong

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