The Original Old Farts Club

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good afternoon folks, just got back from getting my covid test for a tuesday proceedure...don't any of you sonsabeotches breathe in my direction, I gotta isolate for 2 days...tomorrow I prep for a colonoscopy...doc said I can bring guests, anyone wanna come watch...when you get old it's no big deal... ;)
Roster wants to watch and participate....When the doc is done it is his turn. Old or not you are about to find out how big of a deal it its.
deep space.jpg
good afternoon folks, just got back from getting my covid test for a tuesday proceedure...don't any of you sonsabeotches breathe in my direction, I gotta isolate for 2 days...tomorrow I prep for a colonoscopy...doc said I can bring guests, anyone wanna come watch...when you get old it's no big deal... ;)
Oh Crist Man Now ya got Bubba all excited ,

Best of Luck ........... Hope for the best Bro
good afternoon folks, just got back from getting my covid test for a tuesday proceedure...don't any of you sonsabeotches breathe in my direction, I gotta isolate for 2 days...tomorrow I prep for a colonoscopy...doc said I can bring guests, anyone wanna come watch...when you get old it's no big deal... ;)
Pleasae let me know if they find Gelbert
I always have worried about him
good afternoon folks, just got back from getting my covid test for a tuesday proceedure...don't any of you sonsabeotches breathe in my direction, I gotta isolate for 2 days...tomorrow I prep for a colonoscopy...doc said I can bring guests, anyone wanna come watch...when you get old it's no big deal... ;)
it's the prep that just kills me, no food and a thorough flushing...I've had a few pute, I've had far worse shiit done to my poor body and have bounced back so far...

Commiseration brother! Way better than sigmoidoscopie don't you think??
Be careful Bubba will be knocking down your door to help you with your 1st probing LOL
Oh heck no....if I go there it's going to be like "Indiana Bubba and the quest for the Holy Toothbrush." No doubt roster will want to use the handle to insert one of his bullets. So....sniff before using.

dunno about that pute but it would certainly fill a thumbdrive...I've had the shiit beat out of me but somehow I keep on ticking...:oops:
And when it comes down to it, that's all that matters. When you're sick, you can get better. When you're dead, you can't get deader.

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