I oughta become famous. I have a method to get as high as Andromeda's boobies on weed 1/2 the size of a lima bean.
It requires those straight glass thingies (I put a mesh in them). Put about 3/4 of the burny end full of weed. Light/hit, and exhale into the Volcano bag (or equivalent).
The weed in the glass thingy goes out immediately... but you get an extra tiny hit from clearing it. Exhale this into the bag also.
Wait a while, no smoke is going anywhere. Take your time.
Light the glass thingy again/hit. Exhale into the Volcano bag, etc.
Wait a few minutes, poke the coals with your sushi stick to see if any solids left. If so, take a last, harsh hit, exhale into yadayada.
Clean up your glassy thing with alcohol-dampened gun cleaning patches and a looong thin screwdriver.
OHH-kay. Here is what caused the above: Herself pointed out to me that there was less than half a tank of gas in the Toyota. So I had her pull the car around to the Little House where I store stuff (gas), and I lugged out a "normal" red plastic gas can and lifted it up to get it pouring.
There was no vent on this "safety approved" POS. So the gas went: gloosh--gurg--glooshgloosh... gurg... gurg... glooshgloosh... <-- It was gasping for air. NO WAY could I find to hold it so it would just pour. I gotta figure out how to punch a sealable vent in this thing. Fargin thing cost $27.
Anyway, I hadda hold that stupid can too long.

<-- My 83 year old back.
So I am flying the
@boo -ing B-52 once again, and it ain't even noon.