The Original Old Farts Club

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Lordy... there are a buncha ancient farm-boys in this crowd. :cool:
I hated those fking outhouses. Stinking bastards with flies down in the shit. Also remember taking baths in big wash tubs.Mom had to heat water to warm the bath water. My sister took the 1st bath and than I got the 2nd bath. Go figure.🤪 If we had ticks or chiggers she would put bleach in the bath water to kill the fkers.
Guess that's why I was a white boy. All that fking bleach kept me from turning black.😂😂😂
this is also sad

Why are your fingers nails blue.😱
right now , .. ima pissin ... off my porch while shootin' a tree rat with a 177
Yer gonna get yer feet wet!
Yes we had a tic problem a few years ago when my sister went on vacation she brought her German shepherd to watch. Brought us tics. Plant rosemary around they hate it. I called the vet. She told us blue dawn. It worked. Dog didn't seen to mind it. It was do bad I doused the dog in it except the head. Used cotton balls for them. Some people should not be parents., Fur babies deserve better than that. After she went home I doused the entire area with some tick powder. Might have been seven not sure but that did it. I planted rosemary so they didnt come back. Dawn works takes like 5 minutes. You will see them drop off.
One drop of oil, any kind of oil or even butter in a pinch will smother 'em pretty quickly.
No at the time they were ladies now we have Women
I am woman hear me roar, no longer wanting to be pampered or have a door opened for them.
I'm an old school chauvinist. I still open doors for ladies. Hell, I open doors for anyone if I get to it first.
For the commoners in this crowd who have had to suffer with indoor plumbing:

You NEVER took a dump in the chamber pot. Tinkle only. If you had to drop a log, you went to the outhouse and did so, then went to bed. Or got up in the morning and completed the procedure.

Which reminds me of one thing about the outhouse when I wuz a kid on the farm... the living things that could scare a little kid.:

You stepped in, and the wasps all turned their heads and looked at you! As you approached the one-holer, the mosquitos would boil out of it in an actual cloud.

And I DO remember the Monkey Wards catalog. This was wartime.
Well thats no fun. I could just pee out the window. You see people dumping them from above on some old movies. Wait a minute, I think that was Monty Python?

I raised chickens from when I was 12 also. Cut their heads off and ate them when they stopped laying . all by myself.
Ive done it too as an adult. I was maybe 6 my older sister is 4 years my sr. Very traumatizing. Especially since they were friendly. We were not scared of the chickens only the rooster. He would chase us if we got too close.
I believe my grandmother taught us. I remember them taking us to a farm. You pick the chickens you want. They killed them then we took them home and cleaned them. We were teens by then.
When we first moved to Chaparral the house came with a chicken. She laid blue eggs. There was a place for chicken with a huge coop. Then dad went to the feed store and bought some more. We had a total of 15. Used to get at least a dozen plus eggs. Had to go on a scavenger hunt at first to find them. I said something to a friend they told me to get plastic eggs and put them in the nests. That did the trick. Go figure.
eclipse just started hitting san antonio area ... the old dinesh' .. or navaho elders say father sun and mother earth are meeting and to give reverence and respect ,

in fact they closed all public indian lands to tourists... the tribes that have not been bought off by casino monies anyway.

personally i'ma gonna fire one up before going out to eat sushi with my son and his wife

peace out
2023 Annular Eclipse: Where & When - NASA Science

eclipse just started hitting san antonio area ... the old dinesh' .. or navaho elders say father sun and mother earth are meeting and to give reverence and respect ,

in fact they closed all public indian lands to tourists... the tribes that have not been bought off by casino monies anyway.

personally i'ma gonna fire one up before going out to eat sushi with my son and his wife

peace out
2023 Annular Eclipse: Where & When - NASA Science


all we got

and some good dope

Still working with the settings on the furnace.....getting if a bit at a time. Rest of the day I have been peeling horse radish. Tedious job! If the neighbor hadn't stopped by and shot the breeze for an hour I would have been done much sooner. One last step using the food processor and I will be done with this chore for the year.

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Grand baby is here for a visit. He and Rex (Ole’ Stoner Dog) are having quite a tussle.
I ain’t gonna lie, I have the two most well behaved dogs ever.
The patient love of a dog and a kid's memories being made. Look at his smiling face!
Dogs are just the best. There is nothing comparable in the lives of humans.
eclipse just started hitting san antonio area ... the old dinesh' .. or navaho elders say father sun and mother earth are meeting and to give reverence and respect ,

in fact they closed all public indian lands to tourists... the tribes that have not been bought off by casino monies anyway.

personally i'ma gonna fire one up before going out to eat sushi with my son and his wife

peace out
2023 Annular Eclipse: Where & When - NASA Science

Cloudy, windy and cold here. Well...50's cold. No sun to look at.

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