The Original Old Farts Club

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I hated those fking outhouses. Stinking bastards with flies down in the shit. Also remember taking baths in big wash tubs.Mom had to heat water to warm the bath water. My sister took the 1st bath and than I got the 2nd bath. Go figure.🤪 If we had ticks or chiggers she would put bleach in the bath water to kill the fkers.
Guess that's why I was a white boy. All that fking bleach kept me from turning black.😂😂😂
My aunt and uncle had seven kids. He was a carpenter, and he got the first bath of the day. Then my aunt went, followed by the kids, oldest to youngest. All in the same water. He also put a hasp and lock on the refrigerator door and rationed toilet paper.
I recall experiencing snakes and raccoons in an outhouse. While I love them all, I still prefer indoor plumbing and a warm sit-down s h i tter.

i will second the motion

the good old days really ain’t all that good

three of my great uncles standing outside the coal mine they were working


my grampa and family having a meal on the side of the road

My aunt and uncle had seven kids. He was a carpenter, and he got the first bath of the day. Then my aunt went, followed by the kids, oldest to youngest. All in the same water. He also put a hasp and lock on the refrigerator door and rationed toilet paper.
That's where they got the saying "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water" Because the baby was last.🤪
As we are discussing what to eat tomorrow, I chime in "I took 2 1/2 of chop meat out from the freezer!"
My Honey reply's " Why don't you make meatballs!".
I usually go to restaurant depot buy 10 lbs. at a clip and make as many as I can stand and the rest portion it out a lb at a time.
Not doing that for 2 1/2 lbs ☝️
I reply " How about I make a 2 1/2 lb meatball in a loaf pan and we can call it a meatloaf"
She saw my point ,considered the inevitable mess that would occur with meatballs as opposed to meatloaf and reevaluated that request .
.There may be hope still..
My aunt and uncle had seven kids. He was a carpenter, and he got the first bath of the day. Then my aunt went, followed by the kids, oldest to youngest. All in the same water. He also put a hasp and lock on the refrigerator door and rationed toilet paper.
My dad was the best carpenter around in our local.
I grew up building houses with him, and I am still known to take on a side job from time to time.
I took on a small remodel job about 5 years ago. The guys girlfriend had a couple 10 year oldish kids, and he had a padlock on the fridge. He was a weird dude.
Been out cutting grass. Came in for a drink of water.....fargin cold outside. Only 42 with clouds and a breeze......I need to geterdun...!
Just got in from doing the same. I got the last third of the back field mowed. It was wet and looked like Grinch turds coming out of the shute, but it's down.
My aunt and uncle had seven kids. He was a carpenter, and he got the first bath of the day. Then my aunt went, followed by the kids, oldest to youngest. All in the same water. He also put a hasp and lock on the refrigerator door and rationed toilet paper.
That would suck especially if you were the youngest!
spent the day getting my asss kicked by a water pump...still not done after 3 attempts...finding the wrong size fastener jammed into a hole and then ripping a cotter pin across the back of my hand gave me cause to shut the place down and fire up another joint...time to feed the face and lick my wounds...
spent the day getting my asss kicked by a water pump...still not done after 3 attempts...finding the wrong size fastener jammed into a hole and then ripping a cotter pin across the back of my hand gave me cause to shut the place down and fire up another joint...time to feed the face and lick my wounds...
sorry to hear that
I learned my lesson a long time ago. Sometimes it's a better idea just to walk away and try it again tomorrow. Otherwise, stuff can get broke, and that's detrimental to the wallet.
Saw my brother get pissed off at a bell housing he was putting back in his Goat. Whipped a wrench at it that richotted off and busted his windshield.
I learned my lesson a long time ago. Sometimes it's a better idea just to walk away and try it again tomorrow. Otherwise, stuff can get broke, and that's detrimental to the wallet.
Saw my brother get pissed off at a bell housing he was putting back in his Goat. Whipped a wrench at it that richotted off and busted his windshield.
words of wisdom
Had to go on a scavenger hunt at first to find them. I said something to a friend they told me to get plastic eggs and put them in the nests. That did the trick. Go figure.
Now I just learned sumpin'... Scavenger hunting was a daily part of getting the eggs. Them bastages would dump an egg just anywhere.

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