Bought a rifle last week. I retired my steady Marlin 336 lever action 30-30 last year from hunting duty. I’m going to pass it down to my boy one day. Needed another hunting rifle so I picked up a used 30.06 Remington 770 for cheap. And spotted a rifle I’ve wanted for a while. It’s hard to find.
It’s a Ruger American Ranch chambered in 7.62x39. Yes, the AK47 round. Soft point ammunition can be bought for $390 for 640 rounds. You won’t find a cheaper hunting round for large game. Equivalent to the 30-30 on knock down power. Uses the Mini 30 magazine so have the option for 5,10,20 round capacity if the need arises. Still haven’t told my wife I actually bought two guns lol. Once a scope is on it it will blend in with the herd. I think it’s going to kick with the bolt action and 16 inch barrel!! Should make a good cheap shooting rifle to have around.