Hmmm, Good Question TBG, And Im-a Thinking Soon.
For Several Resons: #1. It's that Time of Month when we're at the Bottom of the last bag of Mexican before Pay-Day,
Down to the Last,Seedie Little Handful...And There, Standing Proudly, are our Girls. Tasty, Growing Strong and Stoney. Honestly, It's at This Stage of our Garden That Brings out the "Golem"-ish side to My Otherwise Cheerful Personality.
The Left-Side of My Brain says "Oooh, Look at our Pretty Precious, Smelling Sooo Good, Shineing so Much from there Many THC Glans, We Loves So Much, We Care For.. We Watch..." The Right-Side of My Brain Cuts in:"WE WANTS IT!! It's Growen, It's READY!!" But The Left-Side comes back," NO, We MUST'ENT Cuts It Yet, Still Needs To Grow, To Mature...." As The Right-Side Screams " WE DO'ESENT CARE, WE WANTS IT! WE'RE TIRED OF SMOKING THAT OTHER CRAP! WE WANT'S THE PRECIOUS!!" Sometimes, it gets ugly.#2. Being that we only have limited space, in both Veg. and Bloom areas, Sometimes we simply need to Clear out room. { And We have 5-6 New Babies That are ready to "Move on up"
and we have, Like, 6 "Grandaddy Purps" Clones That are Getting Close to Going into Bloom...} The Left-side of my brain says 10 more days, Watching closely, Letting the Clavexs time to swell...The Right-Side of My Brain says " There is an 80% chance of Harvest Tomorrow..."