Smach's 2024 Virginia outdoor grow

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Even in Ohio, I'm having to water a second time probably half the time. Using 7 and 10 gallon cloth pots, I feed close to your schedule, but with Jack's. Yesterday, we had 1/2 inch of rain overnight. I fed the plants around 11am. By evening, they were drying so they each got a gallon of water. It's been plenty windy causing more drying. It's been hot humid and rainy so far this summer, hope it dries up a bit going forward.
Thats my problem too the wind with the high temps.
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I hope the humidity drops some. Coupled with the heat it has been terrible. Tomatoes are taking a beating.
I have a big umbrellas that shades my tomatoes and veggies during the hottest part of the day.
Dallas area is in 3 digit temps and I'm still growing tomatoes and veggies.

Day 95

As of August 1, I'm dropping Grow Big and adding Big Bloom. So every other day they're getting 1T / gal of Big Bloom and Buds and Blooms and 1t cal-mag / gal. I mix 2 gallons and split it among the three plants. People say Foxfarm nutes can run hot, but at this concentration and frequency, these plant seem plenty healthy.

It's been crazy hot.

Heavy spray with spinosad and bT every Monday, heavy spray with 50/50 Agrowlyte every Tuesday, no sign of the enemy(ies).

Flower update. One GSC farther along than the other, the Gary Payton I'd say at least a couple of weeks behind. Pics:

Only way I can ever water i pots unless they are huge pots is to water from the bottom or just let a bucket full drip really slow till they are wet. You know how good they look after a couple days of big rain. The only way to duplicate that is by using a shallow tray and let the pots wick it from the bottom up. I can never get a good watering pouring a jug in the pot.
Day 104

Comin' along...

I've noticed a couple of hints of WPM, and given the time of year I figure I'll spray Agrowlyte twice a week for a while and see how it goes. This is the furthest into the season I've been in 4 years and not really having much of the stuff. Usually I've got the fan blowing by now.

The Gary Payton is just barely starting to flower...I think. Maybe it'll be ready by Christmas. The GSCs are looking robust.

These black fabric "pots" I use are pretty forgiving. It seems almost impossible to over-water.
Overwatering isn't the act of giving to much water at one time, it is the act of giving water too frequently which suffocates the roots.

Outside it's almost impossible to overwater because stuff can handle water everyday with how hot it is.
I have to water my veggies twice a day. Especially the stuff in fabric pots.

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Yep me too anything over 100 I do too. If it stays in the 90s I water very well in the morning. Every night I check them if they are praying I leave them if they are even s little droopy they get a small watering just to wet their whistle till morning. Nutes only in morning water at evening.
Yep me too anything over 100 I do too. If it stays in the 90s I water very well in the morning. Every night I check them if they are praying I leave them if they are even s little droopy they get a small watering just to wet their whistle till morning. Nutes only in morning water at evening.
Even up north, when it gets that hot, I often need a second water on the fabric pots. Next year, they go in the ground which should minimize my watering duties a bit.
Day 129

Not much to report, but Fall is here and it's showing on the plants. Two GSC are filling out nicely with milky trichomes and leaves turning yellow and dying off. They're within 3-4 weeks of harvest. (Went 150 days last year, chopped October 5, and probably could have gone another week). Gary Payton is still kicking right along and for now is behind the GSC. The whole back yard smells to "high" heaven. I'll be setting up the shed for drying pretty soon now.

Still giving the same nutrients for now. May taper that off in the next week or two as we approach harvest. Haven't done any bT or spinosad for a couple of weeks now and don't see any evidence of critters. I've done a few weekly Agrowlyte sprays, and haven't seen much powdery mildew. Weather is about perfect. Sunny, 80, cool nights, no rain. Still plenty of time for something to go wrong, but so far so good.

Day 129

Not much to report, but Fall is here and it's showing on the plants. Two GSC are filling out nicely with milky trichomes and leaves turning yellow and dying off. They're within 3-4 weeks of harvest. (Went 150 days last year, chopped October 5, and probably could have gone another week). Gary Payton is still kicking right along and for now is behind the GSC. The whole back yard smells to "high" heaven. I'll be setting up the shed for drying pretty soon now.

Still giving the same nutrients for now. May taper that off in the next week or two as we approach harvest. Haven't done any bT or spinosad for a couple of weeks now and don't see any evidence of critters. I've done a few weekly Agrowlyte sprays, and haven't seen much powdery mildew. Weather is about perfect. Sunny, 80, cool nights, no rain. Still plenty of time for something to go wrong, but so far so good.

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Day 139 and forward

I got crazy busy with a bunch of stuff going on and haven't had a chance to finish up this year's write up.

I got my harvest in on September 21 and September 28. I was determined to make it a couple more weeks, but it rained all but about 3 days in September and you know how that goes. I had all three plants under a tent with two fans blowing for the whole month. September 21 I did a partial harvest just to hedge against total loss, and did the full monty on 9/28. On 9/26 I cut a handful of bud rot. On 9/27 I cut two handfuls. On 9/28 when I chopped them down, I had lost one entire Girl Scout Cookie plant. Small amounts of bud rot on pretty much every bud. I didn't want to try to trim it out and miss some and spread some and just decided to chuck the whole thing up into the woods. I still ended up with a pound off the other two plants. 11 ounces GSC and 6 Gary Payton. Trichs were starting to show amber...maybe 10%. Will find out the truth when the lab results come back.

Wet trim and into the drying shed. We had nice cool weather, so the shed stayed at a good temperature. Only got about 70 on one day, so had a nice slow dry down for about a week, then into Grove bags. Humidity in the bags now is running anywhere between 51 and 61 per cent. Seems OK. Halloween will be fun!

What did I learn this year? 1) When you see bud rot, go ahead and harvest. It will out-race you. You may not reach the optimum THC and terp yield, but it's better than nothing. 2) hanging big stems loaded with buds is a slow drydown. The big stems take forever to dry. When you test for dryness, the big stems will never crack, but buds where they attach to the big stems to crack when they're ready. The big stems will seem moist but your buds will be crispy. 3) Maybe I need to take another look at autoflowers for next year. Try to get them in the bag before humidity season sets in. September is not your friend growing outdoors in Virginia.

Beautiful plants, and I was hoping for a larger harvest, but you get what Mother Nature wants you to have. I'm set until this time next year. Cheers!


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