I have seen his youtube channelThis Mothr F*kr needs Jebus..
I have seen his youtube channelThis Mothr F*kr needs Jebus..
Same HereI got the J&J one shot and done back in 2021 because I was a federal contractor.
Had the ******* virus 3 times since. My Wife who is 71 never got the vaccine and has only had it once. Go fking figure.
My wife is a long time Type 1 Diabetic, and she's on a pump. She's had two rounds of 'the ***'. Her work did not require it, but she thought she should get it due to risk from her diabetes. That's her choice. Nobody else's. I can't disagree with her choice, because I have no arguments against it that are provable to my satisfaction. But it's hers to make. End of that discussion.I got the J&J one shot and done back in 2021 because I was a federal contractor.
Had the ******* virus 3 times since. My Wife who is 71 never got the vaccine and has only had it once. Go fking figure.
Good Idea. I mock the ***. But It helps with people with underlying conditions. Thats really what it was made for. I fullyMy wife is a long time Type 1 Diabetic, and she's on a pump. She's had two rounds of 'the ***'. Her work did not require it, but she thought she should get it due to risk from her diabetes. That's her choice. Nobody else's. I can't disagree with her choice, because I have no arguments against it that are provable to my satisfaction. But it's hers to make. End of that discussion.
Neither our daughter nor myself have had any injections. That's our choice, and while I can't speak for the kid, one of my reasons for not getting the shot is the exact same reason I have for not arguing against my wife's decision - there has been no evidence (provable to my satisfaction) that the shot works. End of that discussion.
None of the three of us have been sick in any way since this whole thing began in 2020. Not one day of work missed (I voluntarily retired in '22), no aches and pains...not even a sniffle between us. Nothing, Nada, Zilch.
(Caveat - I do have to admit to suffering an extremely severe headache for half a weekend right around this time last year, but I attributed that to having drunk too much bourbon on New Year's Eve, and it has not returned since.
Note to self: MO-DER-ATE)
I would suggest to JustCannabisSeed that they become a supporter of this site to promote their sale. Free advertising for companies like Phizer are reserved for government sponsored propaganda and anti-vaxxers like myself…FYI
Any one looking for seeds JustCannabisSeed sale today and tomorrow 50% off! coupon code...Half-Price...will be good through tomorrow as well. Happy Holidays, and Enjoy
I don’t work for them, but you can remove it if it is in violation of any rules I was just passing along a good sale I heard about.I would suggest to JustCannabisSeed that they become a supporter of this site to promote their sale. Free advertising for companies like Phizer are reserved for government sponsored propaganda and anti-vaxxers like myself…
No links to click on, so you're fine.I don’t work for them, but you can remove it if it is in violation of any rules I was just passing along a good sale I heard about.
Fking trouble maker.Left VS Right Random thought... Back when the occupy movement came out I did some studying up on it and as a basic pretense, saying that the top 1% of money people (basically, in a round about way), sort of rule or control the rest of us all.. (There was way more to the occupy movement, I found out later - at least locally)... Fighting that idea (1%) so to speak sort of appealed to me. I joined the local group (At the time it was Springfield, IL's)... Started going to meetings and protests etc. and basically made friends within the group. We would protest what ever it was in front of the state capitol, poster boards on lathes saying all kinds of whatever stuff. You have to obtain a permit to protest in Springfield proper itself. (Another separate crock of bullsauce) Anyways firstly, once these protests were over, all the lefties just basically left there signs laying around the front yard of our capitol and walked on off to there cars and some to bars. I was the one (Only one) who stayed behind and picked up all there signs on the sticks, trash, empty water and pop bottles, empty bags of chips etc. (Trash enough to fill a 55 gallon trash bag). Loaded it up all in my mini van and drove home to dispose of. (Thought a lot of the lefties were for saving the whales and the environment and such) - - This happened more than once and it was sort of a little bit of an eye opener to me. Really angered me that no one bothered to help me clean up the mess they / we had created. STRIKE 1
Next was their meetings. (OK so, we are suppose to be protesting the rich and what not) I had done all this research. There were several bank failings and consolidations at the time and a lot of heads and ceo's of these banks were canned. Get this, These faken bank presidents got to keep there bonuses, sell their stock and everything as expected of the alleged 1%.. on and on. Basically these bankers made loans to their big shot friends who had incorporated whatever holding company and many defaulted on the loans. The way it was set up for the most part was all these banks could go after was the particular assets of the holding companies or corporations and not the individual people themselves. At least they didn't go after their buddys except in certain extremely rare cases. THEN, these Former Bank Pres's and CEO's basically just went the next town or 2 over and got jobs at the next bank down the street and resumed their Bullsauce scams and schemes. SO, I documented all of this, bought poster boards and made big easy to follow flow charts of who went back to work where - documented with references the various newspaper articles and publications which would PROVE what I was saying was real. Bought a ream of paper along with a couple cartridges of black ink and pretty much burned up my little walmart home printer documenting all these shinnanigans. This wasn't hearsay, this was stuff I could prove. Brought all this to the next meeting with easels and set it all up for a presentation I had practised in front of the mirror. I intended to prove that hey - If you want to protest something... then these guys here are the ones who are screwing you and I, this is how they did it, these are there friends that helped them, and this is where they are currently working at. - The meeting comes up, I set up and start, and they look at me as I begin like I am speaking a foreign language.. They didn't care to hear nor did they want to hear anything I had to say... About a 1/4th of the way into my presentation, I just stopped, folded up all my stuff and went back and sat quietly at the back of the group... STRIKE 2
A couple meetings later... They were trying to come up with an idea that was going to attract media attention to their cause. One thing they came up with and eventually did, was trying to disrupt sessions of the IL house and senate with an actual Bullhorn shouting stupid whatever. "Mic-check" was what they shouted if I remember right when it happened. (How goofy) - - The second thing was they were going to lay down across 5th and 6th street at rush hour and have chalk lines drawn around themselves. Granted these at the time were 2 of the absolute busiest streets in Springfield at rush hour. Think high speed, squished dirty hippy sauce here. Not going to end well. (Incidentally the city of Springfield issued them a permit for that, but it was approved for happening on a Sunday. Which if I remember right they did.) I had been asked not to come back by then... hahaha. SO... when it came for ideas to attract media attention - Springfield, IL - you can google this - The Federal Courthouse and Security Bank are half a block away from each other East and West. My idea was... Lets tape an M80 to the front window of the Fed Ct House and one to Security bank and break there windows in the early hours of the night. HOLY COW... I said that, and these people's eyes got as big as Silver Dollars... Mouths gapped open... Their self appointed Sgt. At Arms stood up, walked over to me and said we don't like your kind and you are no longer allowed at our meetings... Please leave... STRIKE 3. Chalk lines and yelling over a bull horn isn't going to attract that much attention but, Simply Suggesting that if you really want to get attention and shake up the system, breaking a window at the Fed Court House and The Big Shot Bank with M80's ... Anyways that was my last attempt at being a lefty... "We don't like your kind and we don't want you coming back" - - - What a bunch of wusses.. Kind of reminds me a little of the Alice's Restaurant song...
It is probably a good idea in the long run that the window breaking thing never happened on my account. They would have all squealed like a bunch of little mitches.
I probably take this down pretty soon.. hahahaha. Kind of gives away my identity just a little - It is all true though.
You are My Monkey I am your CircusThe count down is over, the new year / era / reboot has begun. I'm sticking right here with you guys if you know what I mean...
I hope you all are too !!!!!!!!!!
I smell dead peopleRandom thought: Why do they call people that talk to spirits "mediums"?
Been watching a few spook flicks on youtube, and most of those gals would be a large or extra large.
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