Random Thought Thread

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If you haven't noticed, our Joey is highly food motivated.

Looks like Emma Peale. Poor girl looks cold. Her thermometers are stickin' out.
1 minute ago

If you haven't noticed, our Joey is highly food motivated.

Looks like Emma Peale. Poor girl looks cold. Her thermometers are stickin' out.
Sometimes a man has to stand and stick up for what is right.
If you haven't noticed, our Joey is highly food motivated.
Rarely has a plate of pasta let me down or did something I could not fix immediately .
I stand fast ! ( with the hopes of a samich coming into my galaxy soon)
Sometimes a man has to stand and stick up for what is right.
If you haven't noticed, our Joey is highly food motivated.
Rarely has a plate of pasta let me down or did something I could not fix immediately .
I stand fast ! ( with the hopes of a samich coming into my galaxy soon)
Add More cheese and bread for dipping in Gravy
I use to have an old cookbook from waycross Ga with a roasted possum in it. I gave it to the son when he graduated cooking school

A work acquaintance around '03 was heating up in the break room some possum/coon boudin he picked up after a Lake Charles La. casino trip, ... it's the most gawd awful smell and greasy as schiet ..
I'm a world class conspiracy researcher. If you have watched a conspiracy video in the last 4 years you've probably seen one of my videos.. My tin foil hat is massive. I'm going to meet David Icke soon. I love all the reptilian stuff. I don't think the Earth is flat but I respect everyones beliefs. I have platforms for conspiracies but I'm glad it's being posted on here as I think it's very important. I'm currently setting up a studio to make a TV Show based on conspiracy theories I'll share it with you guys when it's ready. I have a 7 foot x 7 foot green screen, 3 cameras and 4 microphones and a tonne of talent. Coming soon. I prefer to use this forum for weed rather than conspiracies but it's refeshing to see awake people on here. Much love people.


we need more humans who think like you

no doubt you have heard of Art Bell , loved his show

maybe you can start a Thread and chronicle your conspiracies ….

welcome aboard the internet Kinsey Bus
My tin foil hat is massive.
A tin foil hat is pretty much the opposite of a dunce cap these days. Like a lot of the supposed insults that ‘some folks’ toss ‘our’ way, I take pride in being called out for thinking rationally for myself and actually doing research instead of depending on a talking head on TV to tell me what I think.

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