Outside Grow- Firsty

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Okay guys, I'm a little nervous, I went to check out my plants and about half of them appear to have brown spots in the leaves and they're starting to wilt. They've gotten water about once or twice a week from rainfall and they've been growing for a good 2 and a half or 3 weeks w/o any nutes. Do you think it's just a nute deficiency? I've been spraying them with an anti-bug thing since they've started growing so I don't think it's bugs.
just cause it rained couple times a week doesnt mean that theyre getting enough water. get yourself a rain guage. they need @ least an 1" of water a week in the seedling stage & lots more as they get bigger. we NEED PICS. im guessing u should stop hoseing em down w/ bug spray.
I'm going back there today and I'll get pictures. I'm also buying a ph meter today for it, and yes I know it was a big mistake not having one but I was only going to get one if a problem came along like this. I the soil's not acidic enough, I mix lime with it correct? And if it's too acidic I do...?
sTuNNed oNe said:
So what if I buy the Miracle Gro potting soil, buy some perlite as well, mix the two and put them in little kinda, cardboard looking Mcdonalds carrier-looking flower pots. They look all cardboard and like the Mcdonalds or Burger King carrier for drinks. I would add the sand a couple days later. Is Miracle Gro potting soil with perlite okay for that?

I suggest the manure and humus over the MG potting soil. That way, YOU can control the nutes. MG comes with slow release ferts already in it in ratios not particularly good for MJ. It's also very heavy and needs perlite to lighten it.

Also, if you're growing outside, you still need to start the plants in pots because a hard rain will destroy young seedlings. Let them get five inches tall or so before transplanting them into the ground. Prepare your outside soil by loosening it with a pick/shovel, then mix in a lot of the manure/humus.

sTuNNed oNe said:
I'm going back there today and I'll get pictures. I'm also buying a ph meter today for it, and yes I know it was a big mistake not having one but I was only going to get one if a problem came along like this. I the soil's not acidic enough, I mix lime with it correct? And if it's too acidic I do...?

Lime is a ph buffer. It will work attempt to maintain a neutral reading.."7.0"
Well, went to Home Depot today and got an electronic ph meter which I brought to my grow spot and it read 6.9-7.0 in all soils so it isn't the ph level. I then proceeded to add my nutrients to each pot with water which was about 1/4 of the recommended amount. Hopefully things will get better, how long if I fixed things will it take the plant to start looking normal again?
Yikes, I almost forgot to mention that as I was backing out to leave the area of my spot (my car is a good distance from the plant spot) another car came winding down the dirt road behind me. He stopped came back to my car and looked at my friend and I and asked what we were doing there. Quick to respond because I'd had an excuse if anyone saw us, I told him we had been jogging just b/c we liked the area, and I always sweat profusely every time I go to tend the plants. Anyway, he told us it's private property and that we probably shouldn't be back there. =[. I'm thinking next time I'll take my bike or drive there at night.
haha probly a safe idea. but da** bro that sucks im sorry to hear it
haha, long time no see guys. Well, I let my plants grow in those woods another month and a half with no personal care to them or anything. Well, two of the plants had grown to be very large, but I knew I couldn't take care of them so my friend and I destroyed them. We were afraid of them being found. I have regretted that decision every day since then. =[[[[[

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