Operation: En Zed

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Simply amazing.

I never thought im my wildest dreams that I could take a seed (cannabis) from a specific type that has been climatized to an area that would be almost impossible to replicate here.....do what these plants are doing.

I can't wait to put some clones in the ground...

They don't have much of a smell, besides #12, but this plant I believe is much different from the rest.

I hit them today with a mixture of three things:

1 Tbsp brown sugar diluted 1L of water per plant.

1/2 tbsp Beastie Blooms 0-30-50 per 1/2 Liter per plant

1 Gal water from my tropical fish aquarium per plant.

With this I get the food (Fish Water, Sugar) Soil microbes get fed (Molasses in the sugar water) and I have noticed some mites on some of the lower fan leaves. Molasses helpt the plant fight mites, not sure how. I have never used the beastie blooms powder before but I am impressed with the results so far.

The plants have just started to show some frost, I will be upping the K (Phos) in two week intervals. This should boost potency. The fishwater will give the plants some food without the gross fertilizer flavor.

I have decided to regenerate plant's 4 and 12. These will be grafted with the bubba Kush, flowered once more indoors, than put outside next year for a last hoorah outdoor crop. This way I will be able to see what first generation crop will do outdoors.

However, I have taken clones, about 12 in total from all but one of the females. It is looking like I can in fact do an outdoor crop this year...so I will get to see what this strain can do in an outdoor scenario.

Here are some pictures taken this afternoon:


Yeah Gee thats what im talking about bro. I wanna see you do a soil grow. I bet buds will rain from the skys.
In this particular operation I plan on harvesting pollen for a seed crop.

I have saved two of the best looking males from the six originals.
These particular two were chosen for the following reasons
1. Growth rate.

Particularly the K STREET male. Outgrew the pot it was in in three weeks after transplant. Loves the outside sun and cooler evenings. Exhibits traits that are common to th strain I am going for.
The 42 BELOW male was selected because it was the only one of it's kind I have.

2. General Appearance.

The 42 BELOW has short stubby fat leaves with purple stems and a THICK stalk. Stubby compact yet tall stature with little off-branching. Dark green waxy leaves that are thick to the touch. First to show sex from all the males and has been outside the longest.
The K Street is almost an exact opposite of the 42 BELOW male. Tall and lanky stature. Long off branching from the bottom. Lighter green long thin fingers fan leaves all green stems. The pollen sacks, especially towards the top of the plant appear to be turning purple. Interesting....

3. Characteristics

Both males in this case have exceeded my expectations for breeders. No problems with either plant and they have been fed (up till last week) the same diet at the females. They thrive in the outdoor and only receive direct sunlight for appx 6 or 7 hrs a day. Combined with all the other attributes, physical and otherwise these two males have avoided the chopping block, so they may pass on their specific genetic material for future generations.

Both plants have fully developed pollen sacks, it's just they won't open.
I have never dealt with male crops before.
Is there any way I can "coax" them into opening?
My neighbors want to plant an outdoor crop, as do I and we don't want male plants dropping genetics all over the place while we try for a sensimilla crop.

Here are some pictures of the males I took about 30 minutes ago:

Plant #6 [MALE] had two open pollen sacks this morning when I went out to check on them.

I harvested the pollen by removing the sacks, placing them into a film canister and shaking it for a few seconds.

I then selected my breeder female plant #4 [FEMALE PRIME CROP] and pollenated the lowest two branches. Then marked them with a loosely fit black zip tie.

I was sure to do this outside and away from the rest of the crop, as I do want some sensimilla.

I will be following this process extremely closely.

Here are some images of the pollenation process:


awsome effn, i like the ziptie idea ;)

let them swell for a good 3-4 weeks until pods start splitting open and seeds are tannish brown with black stripes/zigzags, then you know they are finished. keep giving her nutes as you would normally and dont be afriad to feed till the end of that month and beyond. the extra nutrients will make the seeds fatten up nice.

good job bro!
I would've pollinated the main colas of your select fems..but that's just me.

You seem like a truly inspired grower Effen...I wish you the best man.

trillions of atoms said:
i pollinate lower B and C buds and keep the main cola (most potent) for smoking. the lower buds work fine for making seeds IME.

"ABSOLUTELY"... no need to polute your main cola with seeds.
ditto on the nutrients, too. The seed makeing process, appreciates a full N P K regime.
P and K for sure till flush, I will only flush one week or not at all on the seedcrop.

I won't however be adding any Nitrogen unless the leaves turn completely yellow, I want good burning bud.
Wow. I really have some good breeders here.
Two are really standing out so far. Both have been pollinated, One a cross and the other not.

[PLANT 4][42 BELOW][Gen 1][MALE PARENT #6]


Fattest bud development so far, Larger broad leaves and a musky sweet-skunky smell.

The Flowers that were pollenated last week are swelling with developing seeds, and most of the "Hairs" have browned up.
The other breeder plant:

[PLANT 12][K-STREET][Gen 1][MALE PARENT #6 AND # 13][K-STREET x 42 BELOW {En Zed} Cross #1]


Most Trichome development in the crop, Fastest to develop and 2nd tallest out of the crop. Thinner longer leaves, more of a reaching stance of growth, indicating sativa phenotypes. Buds have a sweet cat pee kind of smell.

I have taken clones from both of these plants and plan on regenerating them.
I have never tried regeneration before so I hope to get it right and need all the advise I can get.

A clone from [PLANT #4] has been rooted in rockwool and planted outside three days ago, I have three more clones that will be going outside as well in the next few weeks.
My wish for an outdoor crop has been granted.

Better than expected, I will be taking mass qty once the outdoor plants get bigger..

I will be trading/selling to other patients in my collective to get this strain some exposure.
Beautiful work Effen. I can't wait to do some clones for outdoor growing. I wish you the best of luck with the seeds. I'm sure you are going to have a bunch for next year. Keep us posted my friend. Take care and be safe.

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