Actually, ninja were on water often. Japan is an island after all. Concider this, a shogun(Japanese General) decides to move troops via ship around the island to sac a rival. To defend oneself the logical idea is to attack on the water, right? Thus the employed ninja would sneak out in small submarine-like boats, or wearing large clog-like wooden shoes that would allow them to walk on water (also used to cross a moat). Then they could A)though unlikely, board. B)cut some holes and sink the ship. C)plant bombs and blow the b*tch apart!Mutt said:Pirates or ninjas.
I think on land the ninjas would win. Anyone see a ninja on a boat in the middle of the ocean....huh...anyone?????
Sea....Pirates got it. They have to live out there middle of the ocean on some screwed up island with wenches and loot. Tough guys on there own turf.![]()
Female ninja are not uncommon, they're called konoichi. They just weren't female pirates, being supersticious sailors pirates disapproved of having women on board, bad luck.GreenDayGirl said:Hmmm..being a "girley girl"....ninjas and pirates both being male I presume? I'm going to have to go with "The Spice Girls" . Final Answer
I'm sorry but that's just flat out sick GreenDayGirl.GreenDayGirl said:Ok whatever, I think The new Kids on the Block along WITH The Spice Girls could take em all!![]()