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Hick said:
I doubt you will get them back to vegetative state with anything less than 24/0 gdg.
lmao...can hear the neighbors.."Their fekkin' shed is glowing!!!"
so at 24/0 how long til they go back to veg OR can I flower them without alternating nodes? Those poor little things. Should I be ready to pull out the males? How many days from when "balls" start to form should I wait to be sure before I needlessly kill a plant. I swear the next grow will be planned out better, i'm learning my lessons the hard way....grrrrrrr! :mad:
Grow sweet grow...

alot depends on the strain, gdg. I've had 'em that absolutely won't reveg, others within a few(3-5) weeks. But those were fully flowered, revegged after harvest.
You can flower them now, a slight loss in yeild and full potential will suffer, but possibly no less than revegging at this point.
might look into getting one of these "alarms" for the shed. Should relieve that 'cat syndrome' you have going on..:)
thanks Hick...thats all I need. To have dogs barking and cats scrambling on a slippery metal roof making all sorts of commotion, thus drawing attention to the freakin glowing shed! You like my clutter camoflage? I came up with that all by myself.;)
nice clutter....makes the shed look like its not used much

as for the cats...we are huge cat lovers here and have 3 at present...we ahve found they love the grow room....always shooing them away...i think they like the smell....and the warmth of the lights...its lulling to them

i wonder if they get kitty stoned off just the smell when they wrap themselves around a pot?
I don't think you are going to stop them from being male, sorry to say.

How many unconfirmed? Those are the ones I'd reveg (or try).

If you don't make it, hey, always more seeds on the planet.
Five confirmed males as of this morning......:( I'm starting to think that maybe I'm just not good at this. Hell with it!
GDG, don't get discouraged! Keep on grow'n, males like to be a pain in the butt just remember those sweet topps!!!
GDG..seems you have a way with the boys, ehh? ;) Goodness sakes, don't let it get you down. Your plants are healthy, happy specimens. You're just havein' a roll of **** luck.

Find yourself a nice donor and clone, clone, ckone...fekk them seeds.
cheer up happens....and look at it this way....once you pop again your sure to get females :)

i think its sothing in the air right 2 male JF's showing here now....and it looks like the shishk x hashplant is a boy too :mad:

as Hick said....get that girl make a mum and clone to your hearts content :D
Don't give up GDG. It'll turn around for ya. We all get males with seed. Everyone. Find a female and clone the hell outa her. ;)
Alright...I'll hold off demolition of the grow room for now. I just HATE being "one-up'd" by men :eek: It'll take some time to come back from the slaughter of those 5 sweet little boys.(deep sigh). Next!
Bummer about the males GDG. Don't stop now. Just pop a few more seeds and give it another try. Like Mutt said everyone gets male plants. Better luck next time around. ;)
yeah.....looks like another male is showing his balls here too

its all good happens....its the luck of the draw...get germin lady ;)
Hick said:
Whatta' sexist!! ;)...
If you'll notice does say that at least I felt bad :p but then on the bright side, I'm sure of at least 3 maybe 4 females for sure, the jurys still out on the other 3. Yea! BTW Hick, I think you misspelled "sexist" I think what you meant was "sexy". :D
Well, three out of my six from seed this time were male. Luck o' the draw... you just had a bad run (someone got your females!!).

I think this whole 'stress' plant goes hermie stuff is for severely damaged plants. In truth it is pretty hard to get a plant to change it's stripes, the only effective way is to screw with it's DNA (like **shudder** feminized seeds).

So I guess what I'm saying is, don't lay this on your expertise.

And remember; No pot ever bought is as good as pot grown yourself.
Ok I guess my camera wasn't as broken as I'd thought. So here is my big female, my mutant (any ideas folks?) and my oops I didn't mean to flower you yet plant. So no alternating nodes yet, they're getting settled on 18/6 nobreaks now. 6 females, no more males (yea!) and 5 clones. So what?

517big mama.jpg




Good to see you got the males kicked out! They're lookin pretty good there! I never tried the lights on at 18/6. Both times I've grown, I've used 24/7 for the first 2 weeks of veg. and then 21/3 for the last 3 weeks of veg. Does the 18/6 work pretty well for you? Seems like what ever you're doin is workin cause they're all lookin great! I check ur grow journal on a daily basis:) Great reading and learning from you!
GreenDayGirl said:
Ok I guess my camera wasn't as broken as I'd thought. So here is my big female, my mutant (any ideas folks?) and my oops I didn't mean to flower you yet plant. So no alternating nodes yet, they're getting settled on 18/6 nobreaks now. 6 females, no more males (yea!) and 5 clones. So what?
Your ladies are looking great GDG. Now you continue to veg your ladies until they are ready for flower. :) It may seem like it takes forever but it pays off in the long run. ;) At this point i would continue to do what you have been doing.

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