:welcome: Aloha Fellow MPer's & Happy Father's Day! ~
Just wanted to do a lil update to my gj since I have been so very busy and slacking here I realize.
I am about to be in my fourth wk of flowering (ALMOST half way :shocked
as of Thursday and so far everything is fine (for the moment). All ladies looking good and as of yesterday I started to see the beginnings of "Frost"! Yay! My favorite! Anyway...
I have finally worked my way up to full-strength nutes last time (@ 90+%), began the bloom nutes and they seem to be liking it. My plan is to "temper" the feedings with just pure water a time or two (maybe, as needed), just cause I'm scared and I'd rather be safe here so..
I'm nervous about harvest windows and am gonna get this really cool hand help scope that'll let me upload em (pics) to my putr, this way I can get a consensus here. Basically I am finding conflicting "flowering times" for these strains, 6 wks, or 8 wks., or 8-9wks, or ... :confused2: I'll read more because I know there must be physical signs that'll help me figure out when to stop nutes. I'm cool with earlier rather than later.
Anyway lemme upload some of these pics. Sry about the quality and I "cropped" them for close ups so I have no idea what they'll look like once here.
:ciao: mahalo nui~
1.) A sea of Sour-D, 2.) Sour-D profile view, 3.) SD Close up, 4 & 5.) Sweet Dreams~ Which smells like Hawaiian Punch, or berries or somethin'. Good enough to eat!
P.S. I have made ALL new MOMS and have 3 new strains about to pop and all organic. I wanted to start new moms from babies fed organically so we'll see how all this works out! I am way excited about it! :icon_smile: