My Medication first time Grower.

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Well, at least we can be sure that they will not fail due to lack of attention.

Looking good man, keep it up.
Do you have a fan going on them? What are your temps? Just going by the pics, it looks to me like they are a little on the cool and wet side.
id raise those clones with somethin so all the plants are level
maybe with some books or something. i use some boxes
Your right they get lots of attention, my girl is jealous. The temps are between 65 and 75; I try to keep it coldish. I read that temp will help determine the sex of my seeds. The room is actually in my sunroom and is sealed off from the rest of my home. The sun room doesn’t have a heat source but it does have a cooling source for the summertime. So I run cool as opposed to warmer. I do have a fan on them set to high. Watering is a bit of a question for me, I use the good old fashion “finger in dirt method" and I have a really descent meter. Truth be told I use my experience growing tomatoes as a guide. As for the larger older clones in the corners, they will be shifted to the sun room as soon as the hours of daylight permit.
I do have some questions about CO2. I'd like to use CO2 in my closet. I don't know if I need to run it during light or dark, my guess is light. How much do I use? My exhaust system pulls about 60 to 80 cfm, through my little room. So how do I figure that into my equation? Will CO2 really make a difference?
Here are a couple of pics. My fan, the exhaust coming from the closet and the hole I drilled to allow air intake and to run my cords.



March 23.
Watching for sex.

March 24.
I have noticed a Yellowing on the tips of the Bangie.
Light watering with nutes.

March 25.
Everyone seems to be happy.
Watching them grow.

March 26.
Yellowing tip. Checked the soil for moisture, Ph and N. Moisture was perfect, Ph is 7.4 and the nitrogen was high high.
Time to do some research.

March 27.
Still reading up on possible culprits.
Light watering.

March 27.
Added a submersible pump for water shed.

March 28.
Hands off I'm just going to watch.

March 29.
Just watching.

March 30.
I think they are begining to look better. Still just watching.

Sinisterhand said:
March 28.
Hands off I'm just going to watch.

March 29.
Just watching.

March 30.
I think they are begining to look better. Still just watching.

Looks pretty good so far....
March 31.
Just watching them grow.

April 1.
I installed a drip system. I ordered gravity feed drip system and modified it with a submersible pump and a water return line feeding back into the reservoir. It's pretty slick. Everyone looks good but I still can't determine the sex of my bag seeds.

April 2.
Watching and waiting.


April 3.
Watching them grow.

April 4.
I have decided to go to a 12 on 12 off, I need to sex these little tikes. They won't show me their privates so I'll have to force the issue.
I moved the two big girls to nice spot in my sun room.
April 5.
My two oldest girls are now in a window.
I planted two well rooted clones into bigger pots and changed up my soil on them. I have used all organic soil and fertilizers so far. The two new clones have been put into 3.5 gallon pots with MG.
First went in the cleaned rubber mulch about 1 inch deep. Next a quarter full with MG then I added a handful of gold fish, then filled and planted. They are in the far corners, right and left.
Everyone will get watered today.


Sorry I was offline so long, He is the update.

April 6.
Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 7.
Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 8.
Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 9.
Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 10.
Watered all today and sprayed the soil with a diluted natural soapy solution ( I seem to have fungus flies). I found a male and removed him. My girls I put in the window seem to be super happy, they are growing really fast and look great. I also started a hydroponic plant project for fun and to gain some experience.

April 11.
Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 12.
Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 13.
Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 14.
Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 15.
It's tax day and I hope you got involved. GO TO A TEA PARTY, NO MORE TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Watching them grow. watching very close for sex.

April 16.
Everyone has showed their sex, two more males. I removed them. I watered heavy with nutes. All seems to be growing well. I am getting really excited, I have always really enjoyed gardening but this is truly rewarding.

April 17.
Watching them grow. Back to a 18/6 light program. I have learned a lot so far and I can't wait to learn more. I turned all my males into butter and made cookies.

April 18.
I ordered a T5. I plan on using it for a separate room, the pre veg room.
Holy cow I have been super busy with work, time to update.

April 18 thru may 16.
So my sexing was a total sucess. After it was all said and done I have three females from the bag seed plants. I did not enjoy the delay sexing causes so I will avoid that in the future. Although One of the bag seed females is extra beautiful, she has a alot of cool traits. Everyone is back on veg. I bought a couple smaller lights and am playing around with them. 3 Bag seed females are chillen under a T5, nine clones are under a 1000 watt MH and one Jilly is budding under a 400 watt HPS.
I have maintained a basic 5 to 7 day watering schdule and added Budda Bloom and Trinity to my nutes. Everyone is running 24 hour light currently and seems to be a good. I have decided to keep my future crops to one strain at a time.


All is well and I sure do love this hobbie.

May 16 Thru may 24.
I have continued to water with and without nutes, everyone looks good. I am gearing up to flower this closet out. I will keep you posted

May 25th until june 1.
I have continued with my watering schdule and all is great. I did however make a few nute changes and I did a massive flush on each plant. No light changes but the temp here has gone up 40 degrees and that does impact my indoor room.
I did a 15 gallon flush on each plant, they are in three gallon pots. Then I waited for the soil to get super dry ( four days to dry ). Then I watered with a new nute. All of the plants responded wonderfully.
I discovered that my plants needed P so I went down to my local grow shop. After I breif chat the owner gave me a decent supply of a nute 0-50-30, 5ml per gallon. Something that he got as a sample and is thinking about selling

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