I have 3 fully veged plants, 1 (Early Misty) is a clone from my last harvest the other 2 are a Red Haired Skunk & a Big Bud). I have 21 clones starting from the 3 of them. My question is, is it better to keep them as mothers or flower them and get clones off of the clones I have started? The reason I ask is that I can harvest in 8 weeks (the 3 Mothers) or would it be better to stick them under a 4 foot flourecent and continue veging the clones and getting clones from them. By the way the first harvest was good smoking but had to be cut early by about 2 weeks (Long story won't bore you), and thanks to you guys I reveged and I'll be damned the plants are better than the first time around. They are growing like weeds pardon the pun but I harvested Sept/20/06 and the ladies are busting out trying to reach out of the dirt and grab that 1000 watt bulb. Thanks ahead of time for both the help you gave me to save those 3 out of 50 seeds and with the hope things are just starting to look like I can get this thing rolling.