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no no no!!! dont do that,tap waters ph level is usually crazy high,flush it w/ some store boughten distilled water
katelynbah! said:
how exactly do I go about flushing my plants?
Recommended is 3 gals of water to one gal of soil, so if you have a 5 gal potter thats 15 gal of water ;) and after ( or if ) you have to flush let your roots dry out completly, im talking to where the leaves hang limp they want to be watered :rolleyes: before you water them again.
flush w/ 2-3 times as much water as the pots are,so if you have 2 gallon pots,flush with 4-6 gallons of water.if you dont use store boughten distilled,definitly go with some cheap reverse osmosis water,you can get it right at your local grocery store usually.its like 35 cents a gallon here

trust me..you want a good flush if you have nute burn or are at the end of flowering.,without flushing in the bath tub,flush them outdoors if you want,or in a sink..but not your bathtub and expecially not with tap water.cuz if you do this,your gonna go from havin nute burn problems to ph problems...i.m.o. not a good idea

thebest said:
I flush about 5 gallons per one gallon of soil. I have done this after fertilizer burn and it was almost an instant improvement. Just take the plant to the bath tub and have at it. I dont really flush at the end of the cycle I just lower or cut out nutes all together.
should I replace the soil as well, or what? never done this before, thanks.
Aurora_Indicas_Dad said:
no no no!!! dont do that,tap waters ph level is usually crazy high,flush it w/ some store boughten distilled water

Well, im running off of well water. My PH is neutral.
but that doesnt mean she is,we dont know that you use well water my friend.ive never heard of anyone flushing in their bath tub.and as for your soil,if your just flushing,then no,just run the water through it,but if your usin dirt from outdoors indoors,just be on the look out for any bugs.when you go to transplant them when they get a lil bigger,before flowering.change the soil.i'd definitly run with that fox farm ocean forest soil,you'll be happy you did,trust me

you want the ph of your water betwen 5.7-6.8 and never above 7.0
use 3 times as much water than the pot size.. your just rinsing your soil out..
also using natural soil could cause many problems over the long run.. bugs, not enough water flow causin the soil to pack not lettin the roots breath.. if its your first grow it will be ok.. we all start somewhere. just spend some time reading and it will pay off on the next grow. good luck

as for a nasty taste i've never had that problem either. i have some now that tastes like water melons that was grown in MG soil and feed MG nutes. and i never flushed it. it was a hermie i killed a while back and after curing in a jar its nice.
well thanks. No, I wouldnt give my dog the water that comes out of my tap. He would grow another eye or two. Ill make sure to look into that fox farm soil. I need more soil anyways. As for the soil they are in now, it was cleaned before i even planted them, so im not too worried about bugs. thanks again guys. ill let you know how everything works out.
how come just about every answer here is telling someone to go out and buy all this stuff. its crazy.. do you guys not know how to adjust the ph of your water or how to get the clorine out of it.. gezz get a grip people start growin mj to save money by not havin to buy it.. then when they come here you guys send them to spend more on dirt, nutes,and now water than they spent on mj to begin with.. JMO
how do you adjust you ph in your water without buying a bottle of ph up or down? come on bro,i think we all know it takes money to make money,were not makin money..but weed is basically money.i'd like you to show me a thread of someone gettin good results without investin some money.i got 900 goin out for my "main event" grow.i.m.o. you get what you pay for when growing indoors.as the water tip goes,if you have hard tap water,then how do you get different water?...you go buy a gallon from the store or you buy a filter to hook up to your tap.i as anybody else dont like spending money if its not needed but with growing indoors,theres alot of stuff that has to be covered and taken care of to get quality herb.if youre growin without investin money then i wanna know how youre doin it,you should honestly write a book and get rich. Theres My $.02 bro,take it or leave it-peace
how is a 10-10-10 made by nobody farms different from a 10-10-10 from fox farms explain it to me wise one? and what do you mean check my attitude? you been growin since 93 wow thats the year my daugther was born.. anyway the reason your ph goes crazy from adding those things to it is because your not buffering you water. its a temporary change when you do it that way. like i said i'll put something together on how to adjust your ph..

as far as spending money goes i spend very little and have great results im sure you've seen pics of some of my plants.. they might not be the best but its better smoke then anyone around here can buy. so it makes me happy.. i think you let out why your here.. its about money.. my opinion is help people but don't tell them they can grow mj unless they buy the stuff you like. thats just stupid. i've bitched about this before you must have missed that. you canj grow pot in any dirt with any water without us feeding them.. remember it was growin before you and i got here and it was gettin people high. untill the last 20 years or so it was all grown outside and not givin fox farms, or store bought water and it was good. some of the best strains ever came from outdoors. so go waste your money on highend junk i'll stick with what works for me. but if your gonna push products on people maybe you should see if the companys that make it will sponsor your grows. then we can get rich together.
mann what kinda weed you smokin, the stuff i be tokin i cant even get up let alown have a stoopid stoner argument.... i got idea DROP IT, were all members of the same site here.
So much mess for someone to have to read through, eveyone has valid points but it got way out of hand. To the thread starter you should be ok with the stuff you have but be careful with it it can be hot for your plants. as for theyellowing and such they are going through now it is most times due to them being hungry for nutes now. if you give them a dose and see how they do you wont be harming them that much if its proven to be to much for them. Keep us posted on how its going.
jarrett.simmons said:
you see anyone feed microgrow to their vegs? no..... they use stinky fertizs
microgrow is good for flowers that we do not eat hehe so bees eat it and says yuke, well my highest recommend to you, use the guano (bat poo) **** mix it with fresh water, you got mj. offical fertz to water em

i cant understand anything you say....not to be rude
bottom line is... its a weed. it will grow with the littlest amount of thought. just let it do its thing. and as for the whole OMG don't use tap water... yes I dont water with tap water, that is a personal oppinion and everyones tap is different, so I wouldnt just assume to use it. but if you think about it... do people water their gardens with bottle water? no... they use the tap from the hose. its not that big of a deal. but if you can, yes use bottle water.
Have all the childish rantings ended?

This thread is exactly what you find on other MJ forums and as you read all it shows is immaturity and anger.

MarP is a place we come to get away from that, if you see something you dont agree with then put your growing view across, if they reply with a flame challenging comment, then simply put that person on ignore, end of temper tantrums.

We are all here to help each other, not fight each other, this is a place of freedom and calmness, we make this site this way by making ourselves stand above other forums, we are what they would like to emulate.

HippyInEngland said:
Have all the childish rantings ended?

This thread is exactly what you find on other MJ forums and as you read all it shows is immaturity and anger.

MarP is a place we come to get away from that, if you see something you dont agree with then put your growing view across, if they reply with a flame challenging comment, then simply put that person on ignore, end of temper tantrums.

We are all here to help each other, not fight each other, this is a place of freedom and calmness, we make this site this way by making ourselves stand above other forums, we are what they would like to emulate.


and for AID and Slomo.. Use the "Ignore" button. That prevents pm's AND you won't see the others posts :)

.. a couple of "things" ...
The need.. to purchase RO or distilled water depends on the quality of your local tap. Many municipals water quality is just fine for growing.. "some" aren't. A simple phone call to your local water district should get you information on ppm, chlorine, ph ect. ..or buy the equiptment (a pen) and check it yourself.
second.. "I" am not a MG fan.. but if anyone doubts the ability of their product to grow mj, they need to take a long look at the bro' grunts journals.. ;)

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