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Jul 9, 2008
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i heard that miracle grow will make your plants nice and green but when it comes time to harvest, its like lettuce...it taste like it or something. Is this true? Is mircle grow bad on y plants? And if they are, what should I be using? thanks
you see anyone feed microgrow to their vegs? no..... they use stinky fertizs
microgrow is good for flowers that we do not eat hehe so bees eat it and says yuke, well my highest recommend to you, use the guano (bat poo) **** mix it with fresh water, you got mj. offical fertz to water em
i have no idea what jarrett is talking about but i've used MG soil and its gone both ways good and bad. so will say it makes your buds taste like poo but i haven't had that problem. some say you can't flush mg soil because of the time released nutes. i've not had any problems from it. the only thing i will say is mg is not easy to use, if it says feeds for 3 months then don't feed it for 3 months.. keep a close watch on your ph, and wait till the plants needs water before watering.. just checking the top won't do when dealin with mg soil. it holds water and makes it easy to over water.. i hope this helps good luck
When using a MG soil its a good idea too to start you plants off in something else the high shot of N thats in it will burn them 9 times out of 10 when they are seedlings, I recommend using some pro-mix for the first month then when you bottoms start looking hungry (starting to yellow) transplant them into your MG they will love you for it and you shouldnt notice as much burning (i havent seen any with this method) if any during vegging, then when its time to flower you can feed some extra P & K to them and have huge buds man :cool2:
if thats all you got,i guess you could use it,but i'd definitly buy some fox farm soil (from a hydroponic shop or online) as well as some ionic,fox farm,or the bc recipe for success to use as nutes. hope this helps ya out-later
thanks. I bought the plant food miracle grow. Is that okay too? I think you guys were talking about soil, I got soil from the grounds of northern oregon, and Ive never let the soil dry out, so thats what Im using. But my leaves and yellowing and falling off so I bought the mg. is this okay?
its not the best for marijuana,its better for house plants.some people use it with success,but its kinda a pain in the ace =) i wouldnt suggest usin soil from the ground indoors,you'd get alot out of a 15 dollar bag of fox farm ocean forest soil.you minds as well invest a little money to improve youre results in my opinion.as long as you treat em right,the ladies will pay you back when its time. definitly dont go full strength with that miracle grow,be very cautious w/ it,its very harsh fert.-later
if the leaves are yellowing or browning and falling off then you need to adjust the water to between 5.8-6.5 and you need to use a lower dosage of nutrients.give em a nice flush of str8 ph adjusted distilled water. some store bought distilled water comes w/ a 5.8 ph level so its already at the right ph level.
I completely disagree. I have seen many growers use it time and time again. You just need to know what your doing. Its not a good for a noob bvut can be done. You see noobs give plants too much of everything. But MJ plants only need the bare minimum. Anmd iv never herd of MG grow pot tasting worse. Just give a good flush by the time of harvist it should be well over the 3 month old mark and would not have any moor nuits in it...
well, the plants are over a month anyways. I dont really do anything to them expect add water every other day. But now the leaves are turning yellow and ive already said this. So i got the food. Ive never flushed them or anything. My friend ust brought over his T5 and told me to use that, but Im not exactly sure how to set this up. My plants are in my window right now! Sweet sun shine
iif your useing mg ferts make sure they have even numbers during veg like 10-10-10 and start out slow 1/4 strenght, and you'll be fine for flowering try to use something like bloombuster or something with a high P and low N. as for you leaves turning colors pics would help. so many thing can cause it. the t5 light just needs to be pluged in or wire in and place as close to the top of the plant as you can get it without touching it. hope this helps
katelynbah! said:
i heard that miracle grow will make your plants nice and green but when it comes time to harvest, its like lettuce...it taste like it or something. Is this true? Is mircle grow bad on y plants? And if they are, what should I be using? thanks

I don't know about tasting like lettuce. But I wouldnt use MG, I mean soil should be okay. But not their nutes. They have the wrong NPK raio and it will mess your plant up. Also When you start adding nutes, I would start out with a 17-17-17. Also during flowering you are going to want to switch your nutes to a higher phosphorus level. like 30.
im not sayin dont use it,its horrible..im just sayin be damn careful usin it,its a harsh fert. i grew with it for 5 yrs outdoors with no problems,but i was aware from the get go about how harsh it is and i was just always very careful w/ it.
i just believe in spending a little money on some good nutes like fox farm,ionic,etc. rather than a cheap bottle of miracle grow.as for usin the outdoors dirt indoors,be on the look out for bugs,this is the reason why i dont grow indoors with soil from the earth.

as for taste,you definitly need to give it a good flush,otherwise you'll taste the nasyness in your final product

if im buyin from a grower that uses miracle grow,i always test it b-4 buying it due to that nasty taste.
YEah i agree here too the MG line of water soulible nutes and in ground foods are garbage and whacked on the N-P-K ratios, and i wouldnt use those i do use Alaska brand nutes whwen i use a fresh batch of MG soil i use the 0-10-10 from them for flower and i have a 5-1-1 that i use while i veg them when i reuse the soil ;)
Aurora_Indicas_Dad said:
if im buyin from a grower that uses miracle grow,i always test it b-4 buying it due to that nasty taste.

To be real man ive never noticed it before but then again i do flush it for the last 2 weeks, one of a good flush and then the other to dry out totally, and more if needed before i harvest and theres never been a funny taste to me.
yea bro,i mean if the plants have been flushes for a couple weeks then you wont get that taste but it definitly does have a nasty taste if not flushed out all the way. alot of the buds i've tasted that people have grown in the cornfields around here have that nasty miracle grow taste.i told one of my friends that used it about flushing and he's never had buds with that taste since.
katelynbah! said:
how exactly do I go about flushing my plants?
I flush about 5 gallons per one gallon of soil. I have done this after fertilizer burn and it was almost an instant improvement. Just take the plant to the bath tub and have at it. I dont really flush at the end of the cycle I just lower or cut out nutes all together.

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