February 23
More pictures. Blah, I'm sure nobody will be pissed off at seeing too many pictures of marijuana

No seeds that I put in water have cracked yet. I could have sworn I saw a seed starting to open up... So I put 5 more seeds into the cup, hopefully at least one will germ.
Last night when I went to sleep, I put plastic garbage bags over the seams on the door and a few air leaks to try to keep the heat in. There is a fan hole in the back for any possible stale air to leak out. When I arrived today at the box, temps were readig 18 degrees C. Not
too bad but could be better. The girls looked less fazed from the cold than before but I still think they would loveee steady temperatures from 24-26 or something like that. I might seriously start thinking about adding an incandesant bulb to heat things up. Too bad they use so many watts. Just one bulb will be adding like 40 watts. Eek, oh well.
Looks like my biggest girl is starting to enjoy the extra light and a more regular watering schedule. If you look closely inside the leaves, you can see she's starting to grow many shoots all over, which is most excellent. This means plenty of future clones! I'm putting the bulbs on the sides pretty close to penetrate all the dense foilage and get at those shoots.
The smaller plant still seems to look the same, if not a little bit bigger. She's got some shoots growing some length coming from the near bottom. Hopefully she starts kicking the growth up a notch. Just gotta be patient... Anyways, happy growing.