Marijuana & sexual side effects?

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Jun 23, 2006
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Alrighty, here is my question. My girlfriend smoked marijuana a few days ago, and the night after she smoked we had sex. Well, normally she climaxes fairly easily, but that night she wasn't able to climax. It's happened before, though, so we didn't think much of it. Then a few nights later we tried again, and failed. It happened again tonight. I've heard and read that marijuana can affect your sexual pleasure and cause you to not experience as much pleasure or to not be able to climax? Is any of this true? Does marijuana have any sexual side effects? If so, what are they and how long do they last? I've tried looking for the answer to my questions on google, but it's hard to find much info on it. If you have any info, please let me know, it'd be really helpful the both of us. Thanks!
well that sucks for you. I have never heard anything about pot not being able to make someone climax. Maybe it may be something totally differant. I know that me and my wife both smoke and it does NOT do that to us. To us pot has a good side affect.
I think sexual activity while high feels rinky dinky doo amazing.
Yeah I agree with Ganj..

But overall, i think MAYBE marijuana can effect sexual activities negativley. Is your girlfriend a heavy smoker? If not, then NO it probably wasn't the cause of her inability to climax. My girlfriend is a heavy smoker like me and it definently hasn't been lessening her sexual drive. Definently.
When me and my wife smoke pot we get turned on easy. But I wish the best for you and your girlfriend hobokin.
Ok ok yes I have prob. smoked like over a few hundred times and either messed around or had sex. I have noticed that when I am smoking on my dank buds that her and I can have orgasms all day long over and over and over. If you get to where you dont want to anymore. You just fire up another bowl and it turns on the sexual activity. By the end of the day it will be the best orgasm you have ever had. If you smoke beaster or mids, It can make you feel not half as good. Nothing will be as good as the dank.

Get dank buds then you and her will be 100% guranteed.

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Try not to imagine pot smoking as some life altering experience. Chemically speaking, there is no correlation between smoking weed and a decrease in sexual performance or feeling. THC builds up in fatty cells, and can affect ones ability to produce sperm, but not permanently. Did she worry about pot affecting her ability before this happened? Chance are that if she did, you've basically got a case of the ol' placebo affect, given that an orgasm has more to do with your mind than it does with the sensations alone.
Hello all. Sorry it took so long to respond. Thanks for all the help, guys. We solved our problem this morning, which is good because it was starting to drive us both crazy. I guess it had nothing to do with the pot after all. I guess all the crap I heard was just BS. Thanks for the help, though. I really appreciate it.
Ganj said:
Wrong hole, eh?

This thread has been very entertaining. Dr. Ruth on weed. I know I wasn't an alter boy before getting married and after marriage learned more (sometimes more than I wanted to know). Women just go through changes man. Nothing to do with herb. So many things can give and take away the ability to climax. Stress, Alcohol excess, you name it. So no worries and if at first you don't succeed try again and again and again and again.......:D
maybe like some people already said its all in her head when you break the bowl or joint out (oh no here comes the minute man lol) .
and some days us girls just wish you'd hurry up :p

sounds like maybe the gf was trying too gotta let it flow....not worry about the end result...and before you know it....well you know :D
hmmm so intersting lol dont you just love being high and having good sex...i know i do lol
ldylunatic . we know what speak up lol.ihave no idear.
Kabuta said:
I have noticed that when I am smoking on my dank buds that her and I can have orgasms all day long over and over and over. If you get to where you dont want to anymore. You just fire up another bowl and it turns on the sexual activity.

Get dank buds then you and her will be 100% guranteed.


What strain is it???:D
it probably just wasnt good as sex as usual its always different makes n models sometimes its hot and hard poundin sometimes its slowly paddle the orgasm boat down the river if anything budz makes it better but u get tired easily bud always stirs up the beasts in us all
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