LST Pics

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so the only reason for lst is to simply make the plant shorter but spread out more???or does it produce alot more bud..because im trying to get the most out of my plants
maryjane22 said:
so the only reason for lst is to simply make the plant shorter but spread out more???or does it produce alot more bud..because im trying to get the most out of my plants
It increases yields as well as keeps your plant growing in whatever direction, or how low you want to keep it, it really is a type of "controlled growing," just have fun with it, its not hard just tie your plant down with a string, but dont bend it so much that the stem will break.
For some reason, it's just not stick'n...

LST - i get the concept, but let me understand the methodology...

Main stalk is tied down so more internodes develop off the main stem. Do you continue to tie down the new growth from the main stems or what you get is what you're stuck with??

There still isn't much in the way of actual step by step tutorials. I see a lot of the pictures are the exact same. Main stalk tied down.... some people i've seen tie, untie, tie, untie in different direction, retie, etc. But I guess being a visual learner, i need pics that go along with "1) you do this first" "2) you do this second" type descriptions.

The reason LST does not have a "how-to" is it is a method of total personal input. You tie the main stalk down this promotes the side growth.
If you tie branches down they will have a lil side growth. If you FIM each branch you tied down the side shoots on the branches will produce more spots. Each time you do this the buds get smaller, but more of em. Thus you are getting into super-cropping.

The way I always did it was take thumb tacks and stick em all the way around the container rim. and just kept tying to keep the canopy as level as possible. This is the whole point of create an even canopy. Each plant is different so each plant will tie down different.

It takes practice bo. It is low stress training, just be careful of the thicker stems they like to snap. Be careful and just use a lil tug and tie it. I use rubber bands less likely for me to put more tension. It is hard to screw up LST. ;)

Some untie when they have the vertical growth room to do it...for micro you leave em tied.
Insane said:
LST, nice and simple. One piece of string and a hole in the lip of the pot are all you need. I like to bend mine over so the main stalk makes at the most a 45 degree angle.

Best Pic yet:D
This is mu current hydro Afghani kush/Strawberry Cough grow. They are a lil over a month now...







i gotta wait for it to get warm out so i can get some more room in my box, before i can do some serious LST to achieve a true Stoney Bud micro grow. i just hope i still get a good yield. but never the less u can check out my old pics in my 07' journal.
here's my crazy LSTing... I don't baby my girls... I bend them to where I want them to be the first time:hubba: - keep in mind... this plant is a strong fiberous material and can take a fair amount of abuse.

no fart'n around with string or elastic bands for me... I just stab "posts" into the dirt where ever I want the plant to be.

this is my Big Laughing mother plant that I bent over when it was a couple of months old and over a foot tall... it got sick and was appearing to be on it's way out, so I cloned the crap out of it and LST'd what was left TO KEEP IT LOW
Started from clones, i leaned them over some when i planted them outside. Then, as above, used pipe cleaners to make them stay near the dirt. Just made a U and pushed it into the dirt over the stalk. Then as the stalk grew, i repositioned the pipe cleaner a couple times. Once the plant got near the lip of the pot, I hooked another pipe cleaner to the chicken wire next to the pot. Pulling those plants over more. I read here that the grow tip is sposed to be below the original growth from the soil. So, each time i pull the plant down now, i try to get the grow tip below the soil line. Now the plant is truely below the soil. The branches coming up from the nodes are almost as long as the plant is now. The growth tip will be hooked to the fence with a twist tie now, and run along the fence.

I am amazed at how those nodes are putting out growth! And will update this post as the plants get bigger.

1 & 2 are the middle pics, approx 6/21/08
3 today 6/30
4 a couple days after transplant 6/8 as clones




lst re.JPG
good thread...I'm gonna LST the plants I have to move outdoors due to space limitations in the original indoor area.
this plant has been topped and now it is insane with inner growth
The same plants as posted above.

I tied them to the back fence. The growth slowed and came to a stop on the main stalk. The branches from the nodes became the main and tallest stalks. The plants yeild was a little over a quarter pound, approximate.

1. Plants in early flower
2. Plants in mid flower
3. Stalk showing major growth from nodes. These branches went up about three plus feet.
4. The day they came down (You can see where the main stalk was trained and tied on the fencing.)

LST for LST thread b.JPG

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LST for LST thread a.JPG

LST for LST thread c.JPG
i thought I would share This Falls Mother..IMO,,LST does not increase yield..but helps to maintain a low profile plant..and can be used to maintain the canopy with other plants in grow area..I love tcbuds container LST up there..I did one simiular Last Summer...This summer I have decided to do this one right in the ground..I have the 2x3 wire fenceing around to keep hungry animals away..and am going to use it in the aid of LST..this plant came from a 8 foot Monster Last year from a buddie that would not allow me to photograph his im sure this one will get Big..Not sure how the fenceing will work but i will keeep ya posted..I enjoy this method and Thanks for the thread Mutt

heres a link to my LST was done from seed and was Male in the end..

take care and be safe:ciao:





first 2 pix are of one of my ladies.
last 2 pix are of one other lady.
put in 12/12 at 30days from day i started germ on em.
they been in 12/12 for 23 days now
and are 52 days old 50 days since sprouted
just pinned em down wi landscaping staples and wire bent like staples. all 8 are same size give or take an inch either way. they're hella micro i think. lol

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