Good hydroton is gonna be the most clean.The red powder will phuk up ur ph,so what I do is put them into the cont. they're gonna go in.put them in the tub(I use the tub alot 4 drainage purp.)get the water hot and rinse off.Try not to be to violent,the clay will break into tiny pieces.A lot of water.After you've rinsed until the water runoff is no longer red,gonna take a bit.Remove cont.,plug the tub,fill w/ hot water (fill till the hydroton is floating in the cont.@ this time raise and lower the cont. in the water,helps rinse off the last of the last.Drain the tub and repeat step 1,only w/ cold water.
As far as the cubes,set your ppm(150 all week ph 5.6-5.5-5.7 is cool),then ph(always ph after ppm).Use the 5 gal it'll work nicely.The cubes work better IMO is you just submerge 4 a few secs,remove,squeez out the water,then place in water and release(soakin water back in)If you soak for a while(as recommended on package,the cube will be to mushy 1/2 way through.
Can you see roots @ the bottom of smaller cube?As soon as,take the plastic off the small cube and put into the largewr.On the large cube leave only the top 1/3 of plastic on(make since,so the roots can grow out the side,gut leave top 1/3 to help deture pests.
Just weoke up,hit me back if its all jiberish to you.
FYI your ph kit will need to b updated asap.Thought u had the pen,oh well.Let me tell you why,your nutes are a dark liquid.The end result in your test is compare color w/ card to get your ph.Now with colored nutes,do you think its gonna mess w/ the readings? it does 4 sure.U'll be ok 4 now cause ur only using a-lil @ A TIME.dOWN THE ROAD U SHOULD GET A hANNA PH PEN$30.00 TO THE DOOR!The hps mh floro light all give a diff.reading depending on the light!