Loolagigi's first grow journal, 400 hps

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Looks 2 me the girl w/ burn has thinner leaves?Hard 2 tell.If so sativa(thinner leaves of all,guess thinners the wrong word,umm not as wide) and they tend to take lil less nutes than Indica(widder leaves)in my experience.Maby drop her down,leaves have a blue look!
Say drop sativie down 150 the other hold 4 3 dayz
DirtySouth said:
Looks 2 me the girl w/ burn has thinner leaves?Hard 2 tell.If so sativa(thinner leaves of all,guess thinners the wrong word,umm not as wide) and they tend to take lil less nutes than Indica(widder leaves)in my experience.Maby drop her down,leaves have a blue look!
Say drop sativie down 150 the other hold 4 3 dayz
ok, i have been dipping larger 2 everyday, and smaller ones every other.....i just dipped larger at 600 ppm, and 5.7 ph. the 2 bigger plants came from the same bag of seed. supposed to be "kush". the other smaller ones came from a diff bag. the 2 larger ones have to be indica, even though i notice also, the leafs on the "sick" plant look narrower. i also notice the "sativa" is droopy. tomm i will drop the "sativa" in ppm minus 150 if prob persists.:eek:
Many pheno types from same seed is poss. It depends on if they choose 1 and breed from there F2,F3,F4 I think thats right.Or if was just pollinated(dont know history)could be a mix of indica sativa hybrid.My BOYSENBERRY was breed 4 3 years,back/crossed for a Indica dom. hybrid.Outta 25 I got only 1 sativa(gonna be bomb)even though hes tried to breed it out it still pops up once and a while.

boysenberry 2 dayz after toppin 002.JPG

boysenberry 2 dayz after toppin 003.JPG

boysenberry 2 dayz after toppin 004.JPG

boysenberry 2 dayz after toppin 005.JPG
Top 2nd pic.Sativa dreama,lol.Stands out above all other 24.Cool w/ me I LOVE INDICA.And theres gonna be plenty!
My vegg space is small.I keep em in the cubes so I can pack em in tighter.Pots come w/ flower
DirtySouth said:
Top 2nd pic.Sativa dreama,lol.Stands out above all other 24.Cool w/ me I LOVE INDICA.And theres gonna be plenty!
usually i a, hip to what your saying, but i dont understand that.
drop like 150.I was showin how sativa phenos can pop up altho breed out.
:yeahthat: :fid: :watchplant: :stuff-1125699181_i_ :cry:
2 hours after second dip sativa looks like it perking up.........:)
loolagigi, GREEN MOJO

watch your res temps when doing dwc, keep them under 70 F. they grow extremely fast in the dwc, have fun and i cant wait to see the fruits of your lobour.

DirtySouth, nce looking plants ill have to check out your journal. ive been reading up on Afganica indicas and i cant wait till i grow some.
SSH Nice of you to stop by,If lookin 4 my journal,I messed up its in the indoor grow sect.
Super Silver Haze said:
loolagigi, GREEN MOJO

watch your res temps when doing dwc, keep them under 70 F. they grow extremely fast in the dwc, have fun and i cant wait to see the fruits of your lobour.

DirtySouth, nce looking plants ill have to check out your journal. ive been reading up on Afganica indicas and i cant wait till i grow some.
thanks for the inpput. when i dip my plants its for about 20 seconds....or less. solution temp is 70-72 always. too much food is my problem. i am going to take pictures now, feed here in a little bit and post pics 2 hours after dip to show differnce..........until then.

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