Loolagigi's first grow journal, 400 hps

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Roots will be everywhere,Wnen I choppem down the ENTIRE 4" cube is like ROOTS.Good deal.You want to play w/ ppm once plant is cool w/ it.Have you noticedwhere the new growth appears it changes from a lighter green(bump in the nutes50-100)to a deep green-blueish(hold up no more need to hold steady).Hence the leaves talk to ya.They say a lot more when things are headded south.Water the bigger ones 1nce a night now.The others let em dry a bit so the roots will run a bit.Building a foundation.
No good root system is like askin Q.C. to check a lay-out,only you didn't have the revission b-4 fabrication.The idea is there,but its not up to customer specs.You can work w/ it if you get what I'm sayin!

About the under root growth,from the bag down you/ll see root growth.all good.Not nearlly as much as dwc,but this is the basics w/ way above normal ressults!
Right now your plants are lovin it up!Nice and green,not to much,not too little,good job.
DirtySouth said:
Right now your plants are lovin it up!Nice and green,not to much,not too little,good job.
yeah, im happy there happy. WE are doing a good job so far. thank you. i understand your lingo, im hip to it. feed everynight. bump up to maybe 600? i think the bigger ones will take it. i know i havnt covered up other snaller cubes with plastic. no excuse....lazy. not my fav job. anyway, let me know whatcha think, and about topping too. i like to lst, and have had practice, and i have topped too, but whats your hints. they seem to work well so far. :holysheep:
It's possible to get multi tops from a topping.Its called fimm or some chit.Dont get all precise in just gettin the "new" shoot.I know I know I learned that way also,but I 'll show pics later WE'll have like 20 heads in a month.
Use haet or sanitizer or both(Do not stand above and look down if using sanitizer then stove!,please)NEVER NEVER NEVER CUT INTO YOUR PLANT WITH OUT STERILIZING UTENSAL 1ST,NEVER NO NEVER.ONLY OBJECTION IS "SNAPPING OFF DEAD LEAVES"damn capps.
O.k. I have no pics of this in action will try to show in a pic later?Open up newest "full set" of fan leaves and open them up.Clean & sanitize fingernail clippers(order all fucked up as I am.Of course do this b4 oppening fan leaves)Cilpp off all other new growth @ the head(inbetween oppened fan leaves).
This w/ stopp vertical growth bcause cells are now lil firefighters trying to open the roadway,not to worry the cells WILL repair themselves in bout 1 week.In the mean time all lover side growth will start to rocket off.This is to low on plant and with 1 shoot on each side 2 clones.Wait until vertical growth starts in full swing,bout 2 weeks,and clone.This will stop lower growth(no more to grow) plus we want our first knuckle(you'll see what I mean in due time)to be lowest foilage on plant.
Thats my 2 week top-n-clone regime.
stay there,dont get all ansy on me,I hate funerals.Give it 1 week to respond.Still not to sure if the other adjustment was to much.LMAO 2 funny,alll good.Altho I'm sure you seen the new growth greenin up,I'm not to sure its done greenin.Do you get what I'm sayin?Do you see this happening,or am I ramblin on sounding all crazy to you?
DirtySouth said:
stay there,dont get all ansy on me,I hate funerals.Give it 1 week to respond.Still not to sure if the other adjustment was to much.LMAO 2 funny,alll good.Altho I'm sure you seen the new growth greenin up,I'm not to sure its done greenin.Do you get what I'm sayin?Do you see this happening,or am I ramblin on sounding all crazy to you?
ill rephrase you, lol. your not sure if 600 ppm was the best thing, but we shall see. and i will sterilize everything when cloning. this is a method i have used before and i had decent results.....i use a sterilized razor blade to take cutting for clone. i immediatly place in sterilized water. then grab fan leavs and cut off the ends, because the plant dosnt need all that leaf.then i use the razor knife to "scratch" the bottom stem on cutting. place back in water. then place in cloning horemone, then into rockwool. not sure whats the bedt ph and ppm for clone, but i do know i have to folier feed and keep humid. am i close?:confused: :holysheep:
No ph ppm just filter the water.I remove fan leaves on plant.Cut dip(olivias I use)remove & cut stem in 1/2 3mm up,dip,scrape,dip-n-wait.Get pensil or? and open rockwool hole BIGGER X3.place cutting in r.w. carefully not to remove gel.Then press R.W. firmly around stem.
Only keep 90% level 4 1st 5 dayz.Opening coulpe x.Then after 5 dayz if kept @ high humidity level(bout 60-70 is good)u get stem root spots on leaves yellowing leaves,ect.Total B.S.
Here is where 99.99999% screw it all up.Easy to get to root,but now what.Most people have NO CLUE and u can tell,look @ their leaves.They turn all yellow w/black spots.I've tried to help some,but he said or they do it this way is what I get.Ha phucc em and flee(gettin married, u forgot the FLEE part,but each is is own.I'm not mad @ ya)
Keep note of mommas feeding ppm ph.Once the clones are good-n-rooted then thats the starting ppm/ph.Say 4 1 week(see consistantcy is key.Start jumpin round and ur guess is good as mine on whats wrong.As of now I know where your gonna need to buy suplements cause G.H. just dont cut it.)PRIOR TO CLONE UR @ 800 PPM 5.7.oNCE YOU SEE LIL ROOTINGS POPPIN,2WEEKS,THEN 1/4 STRENGTH-200ppm w/ in 2 weeks of Cone root state 800 is the starting ppm.
Cant have micro/macro all in w/ the nutes and expect it all to work.G.H.was stuck in their tracks w/ only 3 part available until Advanced Nutrience came out and openly tested on bud 4 bud.You gotta understand these A.N. hates from N.Cali here on this site hate em cause N.cali is G.H.s testing ground.No way these guys can oppenly blow us away in only a couple years of research when we've been here since the 60's w/ G,H, is their whole att.
Then A.N. starts kickin G.H. 's azz and they bought EVERYTHING A>N. had to offer and tried to put it in 1-Floranova.100% coppied 0% understanding of how each nute interacts is what the result of this "scramble".A.N. is EXPENSIVE I USE FLORANOVA.BUT ALSO HAVE LEARNED WHAT TO SUBSTITUTE.
The last is my green azz clone method.The 1 st coupl r to show its possible to manipulate growth.I'm holdin back on 3 while the rest catch up.This week I'll start "full veg"and by 2 weeks after 1-2 footers(Im assuming).I'm watering 1 Boysenberry @ the bigger clone ppm 920ppm w/ no sign of burn.She was a runtling as I damaged the root in transplant.A seedling @ 920 w/ no burn is a great thing to say about these genes!

easily done 003.jpg

easily done 004.jpg

easily done 005.jpg

easily done 006.jpg
Look at my thread titled pics pics pics page 2.I think its in the 2nd set after the sativa.The leaf tip discolor is your warning shot.I've explained much to you and I think you got a grasp on whats crackin.DO NOT DO ANY PPM ADJUSTMENTS TOO DRASTICLY.
Look at my thread titled pics pics pics page 2.I think its in the 2nd set after the sativa.The leaf tip discolor is your warning shot.I've explained much to you and I think you got a grasp on whats crackin.DO NOT DO ANY PPM ADJUSTMENTS TOO DRASTICLY.Only time you should do any adj. over 100 ppm in any given 3 days is when you see evidence of BURN as in my pic.Then drop 150 until new growth is a yellow green color.Do not get scared and flush on me.Were gonna prove AGAIN flushing in hydro is funny dutty!
Only jump 100 in 3 dayz.Let yellow b-4 cloning(not a drop in ppm,just stay stable for 1 week)then resume w/ 100 bump on mommas.Do this w/ momma and shes gonna love you w/ many shoots.The 100 every 3 day thing is it'll take bout 3 dayz till ur leaves show stress on burn.You know its commin cause the leaves start to turn a bluish greenish tint.This is a early warning sign.Once bluish greenish leaves ocure drop 100 ppm and hold until new growth lightens up(bout 1 week)
Learn this simple manipulation on the process and much sucess 4 you,brother.I know I cant spell and my typin sucks,but This aproch works.I hope all the silent listners see this,thus simplisity is key.Not much simpler than this.
DirtySouth said:
The last is my green azz clone method.The 1 st coupl r to show its possible to manipulate growth.I'm holdin back on 3 while the rest catch up.This week I'll start "full veg"and by 2 weeks after 1-2 footers(Im assuming).I'm watering 1 Boysenberry @ the bigger clone ppm 920ppm w/ no sign of burn.She was a runtling as I damaged the root in transplant.A seedling @ 920 w/ no burn is a great thing to say about these genes!
those look great. hey, can i use the same solution as i used last night? you said dip every night for the bigger ones, so, i would acually like to dip the 2 bigger ones, then dilute my ppm to 400 for the smaller ones too.
Thats basicly how I do it.If leaves start to twist then toss nutes.No way to tell what you used.The leaves will tell ya!Playin w/ fire.What ya could do is set a res 4 the bigger ones,say 10 gal.dip the big ones,and use a bucket from there 4 younger ones.Once the younger ones 2 topped of w/ 1/2 volume then replace from bigger res.Once 1/2 the water from bigger res. is topped you know time to switch.
Or just watch for fuky growth but 1nce its showin you already have a problem.The 1/2 the res change out method is tits.Lil hard to stay on top of @ 1st,but so is growin!
changed out half my res. fed bigger ones 595, with 5.9, and smaller at 425 at 5.7
i see the so green that there is blue on the fan leavs. hope i didnt over do it, we shall see. ill post pics sat, or sun. growin like crazy. the little ones are comming along good too.
Thats the warning,do not flush,justbring it down or stay put,further advancement is unwise as that was the 2nd jump of the week.
DirtySouth said:
Thats the warning,do not flush,justbring it down or stay put,further advancement is unwise as that was the 2nd jump of the week.
never seen this with soil. the leaves look silk, almost fake.:eek: :hubba:

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