Hey Doc, Thanks for the tip on the link

I wrapped it in bogus tags cause it wouldn't post without automagically wrapping it with URL tags..lol.
On the PH, I water at 6.3 - 6.5 in soil religiously. I used to water without adjusting PH and did fine, but I would always see some sort of deficiency during the run, nothing major, but it was there and it bothered me. Just made me feel like maybe the plant was being held back from full potential. I used to skip once and a while, then I grew in coco for a long time and adjusting PH was mandatory so it's something I'm used to, part of the routine now and I never see issues.
I ran Dutch Masters for a year in Coco...absolutely loved it and the only reason I switched was to work with organics again. The Add27 and Potash+ are great additions to the line up, Potash+ will give you your PK boost.
I also liked using Yellow Bottles Final (expensive, but kicks ***, has triaconatol in it and really fattens up nicely) on the finish. Add27 is like Liquid Karma, they both do sorta the same thing. I used them together, split the dosage in half between them.
In the organic run, I'm using a Soluble K and a high phosphorous soluble guano product as a booster, both from Grow-Biotic.
So are you not adjusting PH in hydro? Your scaring me Doc!