It's almost that time again fellers. March 18 2024

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Very nice gorilla grow. Your gonna have fun hauling out the goods.
Thanks guys
Classic rock, classic country. We always drew a middle aged, to older crowd.
We used to pack the local bars.
Sounds like the same crowd. Yea it's going to be busy. Some. Plants are later. Looks like end of September for part. Mid October for some then November first for a couple. We are showing dry September. Half inch maybe and .25 inch for October. It was still wet yesterday so I think they can finish without more rain. Makes the buds tight. I wanna be finished by November 1 to avoid any problems on November 5th.
Super silver haze Nirvana.

I suck at this. I suck at video edit. I wanted to add these are all two super silver haze plants but i just feel like im lost. Sorry about the sound I tried to turn it off. Yes that's me mimicking the bird calling. I guess its a stress relief. I make sounds while im in the woods and I don't even realize im doing it untill I play it back.
A stoner and video editing....what a dangerous combination.

Awesome grow!
A stoner and video editing....what a dangerous combination.

Awesome grow!
Thanks greenmobster440 I have had panic attacks for so long that smoking weed bothers me. I only smoke a couple times a year. I think it's been over two years since I smoked. I have some med patients that smoke it and friends that smoke it. Mostly I grow because I enjoy it and I like the exercise. The years I didn't grow all I thought about is growing. So in 2019 I started back. An eighth is 76$ here. 600$an oz. Crazy. I'll update again in around three weeks. I think about September 30 should have some ready. Around 3 weeks.
Lol, and you have tomatoes out there, too.
I started a couple tomato plants. I d ont have anywhere to grow any so I just stuck out a plant to see if I could make any that the animals wouldn't bother and I did. Enough to have a few real tomato s I bought seeds at $ tree and figured they were Crap tomato s but they are decent. At least I know i can have a couple plants and have a BLT
Hey everybody. It's been 14 days since I checked the plants. I'm giving them 10 more days and I'll have some ready I'm sure. Then two weeks after that. I'm getting excited. This is the best time of the year. Nothing like cold weather and big buds. I've been walking every day I cut out the junk I'm eating. and doing 20 minutes stretching exercises every morning trying to get my bad hip unstiff. I'm trying to get in shape. This harvest may be a fun one. I pray everything goes well because you never know when gorilla growing.

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