Island Of Misfits

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So God was talking to John, who asked him, "Why did you make women so attractive?" God answered, "So that you would like them my son."

So John asked, "Why did you make them walk the way they do and jiggle in just the right places?" To which God answered, "So that you would like them my son."

John then asks, "My Father, why did you make women so alluring to me?" "So that you would like them my son."

"Well God, if you were going to make women so alluring and attractive, why didn't you give them more brains?"

"So that they would like you, my son."
Stun flies ? 🤣😂😂😂
Old fly control trick. I've never tried it, but understand that the flies lose the ability to fly with a little and die with a lot. From the web:

Fly agaric mushrooms function as a natural insecticide, and the name comes from this. This was a practice in Siberia and some European countries. The caps of the mushrooms were taken, crushed up, and put in plates of milk. This combination attracts house flies, that come to drink up, and then die from the ibotenic acid poisoning.

Fly Agaric (Amanita Muscaria): The Natural Insecticide
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before they started putting a fungicide in cattle feed we used to find 4" to 6" shroom heads out in pastures, .. I've seen these new shrooms that come in a nice package and the heads run from dime size up to a quarter size .. oh well

I called that number I found on the old pasture shrooms over a hundred times and heard the recorded message each time .. nice .. but don't need to hear it anymore.
If anybody ever hands you one, peal the outside skin off of it. It's loaded with strychnine and will give ya the shits and a bad belly.

Back from the talkies. Saw the movie The Nun II. 'Twernt bad. The company was even better. Had the two people I love the most sitting on either side of me. You could tell they put a lot more money in this one than the first one.
You mean you eat the thing? I thought it had sumpin' to do with buttons. BRB: Gonna look up peyote button...

Only temporarily back. Bein' a doctor's daddy, I went right to Medical News Today. Reading about it, saw this:

"An exact dosage is difficult to quantify, as the plants themselves vary in potency when a person picks them."

Hoo Boy. Cheyenne Roulette! Back inna minnit.

"The hallucinogenic effects of mescaline also appear to enhance the senses. Colors, sounds, and even experiences may feel richer or bolder. Time may become distorted to some people. For others, the field of vision and objects within may shift or change."

I gotta admit, that sounds as cool as the other side of the pillow.

Then, the zipper from Hell pinched my pecker of dalliance-thinking:
Taking peyote may cause temporary reactions within the body, such as:
  • increased heart rate
  • numbness
  • tension
  • increased blood pressure
  • fever
  • chills
  • muscle weakness
  • headaches
  • dilated pupils
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • sweating
  • shivering
Being an octegenarian who cannot touch alcohol, coffee, tea, decaf... the above list is, in the words of the "Stalag 17" comedian:
"Alles ist verboten, kaput, unt geshundheit!"

I will stick with my beloved, always beneficial weed.
We have both the Amanita Muscara and the A Pantera growing here in the city parking strips. they aren't psilocybin mushrooms they contain ibotenic acid, muscimol, and muscarine,
Now that I looked, it turns out there are psilocybin mushrooms growing wild all over Floriduh.


They gots a peculiar law down here (*snork*) it is illegal to pick 'em if you have "criminal intent". Otherwise, meh. Of course, "criminal intent" means you are gonna ingest them.

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