Island Of Misfits

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My best friend has totally opposite tickets on that train, and we can even talk about the train tracks, but it hasn't destroyed our friendship.
For years we did fine. We both have our opinions. And we both think the other person is wrong so I always figured we was even. All I’ll say is, looking around me the world I live in has changed so much in twenty years. I don’t see how it will be supportable in the future. Our old world is dying. And a new one is being created and I’m pretty sure I like the old one better.
Snapped these pictures when I was driving home from the store

Well gang we are wrapping up another fabulous Tuesday. A day we will never see again. For better or for worse. Sitting in the basement smoking a bowl. Got to up pot some cuts. 5-6 weeks from adding a new set in bloom. I need more space. We barely grow enough to make it through to next harvest.
Happy Weedsday brothers and sisters! Let's start the morning on an upbeat note by hugging the person or pup next to you!

Lots of rain predicted today starting at 55F and predicted to soar to 68F.

We have an abandoned car parked in front of our house and I pulled up the Portland Police website to see how to report it. As it is fully intact and has a rear license plate Portland does not consider it abandoned and there is no place to check to see if it is stolen. According to the site, it has to be disabled with no windshield, flat tires, no engine, no rear tag, or other visible evidence that it isn't drivable.

I wonder how many stolen cars get trashed just to get the city to tow them?

Housekeepers today so me and the slick sly pup will be playing in the rain at a park besides Fernhill, which is getting muddy.
Well I never
Nor have I ever been to the Dark side
Way too much Bad sheit can happen signing in their
Better scrub your computer and get it some Penicillin Stat...
I don’t go on the dark web but I know it’s there and you can get anything there. I already had to disconnect my computer and put the parts away. My grandson was looking up furry porn. That will make you want to gouge your eyes out.

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